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Steel bites the air. Dust blasts backwards with a roar of flame. Trees are burned and dying. His broken sword turns flesh inside out, blood fills the air. The scent of ash and death is all pervasive. The world around him moves slowly, painfully.

Azrael braced himself as he saw the rock shrapnel headed towards him, his sword arm still drifting upwards and into the black-clothed Fae. The rocks penetrated his face, tearing at him with a distant feeling of sharpness. The blade struck him, jerking almost to a halt, before his flexing arms drove it suddenly deeper and through the Fae as if he were carving apart a steak.

The creature screamed in agony, arching backwards as the chest broke open, spewing the sulphuric contents into the air.

Azrael spun, slicing the screaming throat whilst turning to face his next opponent. This shade lasted no longer than the last. They were skilled warriors, in both magic and weaponry. Knives and swords, arrows and fireballs. The air was filled with weaponry attempting to strip his soul from his body. The paladin however, was not merely a warrior. He was the god-appointed avatar of Sarin. Magic snuffed out as it came close to him. Wards failed as he attacked. He took the magic of his enemy and split it apart, rendering each fibre down to the smallest fragments, returning them to the lifestream, and to Vastras.

Since his rebirth he had dreamed of a day when magic was destroyed, when mankind could once again raise their eyes to the stars in pride. When they could set forth on behalf of the gods that they served with loyalty. The day was at hand. Today was the rebirth of an entire race. It was the penance for the original sin. Today mankind rejoined the heavens, made pure through the blood spilt in this world, on these grounds. Every death consecrated the sacrifice, and brought them closer to ending it, once and for all.

Azrael grabbed a Fae who knocked aside his sword, seizing the creature's jaw and ripping it free of the skull with a flex, tossing aside the incredulous and weakened creature to fall and be trampled in the battle.

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