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She could smell pine and woodrose. A gentle and spiced mix of fragrances tumbled from the sky, filling her senses.

Alphege sat up, gasping for breath. She exploded from the pond, grabbing the roots by the edge as she sucked in lungfuls of air. She looked up in surprise at the tree towering overhead in awe. It was Yggdrasil. Blue and green dust fell from the branches that made up the sky overhead. She could feel the roots, the life flowing through them that flowed to every tree in the entire forest. This was Eldrassa, the ancient home of her people. The root of life.

A slender hand reached out, grabbing her under the arm and pulling her up onto the bank beside the pond.

Alphege rolled onto her side, coughing up more water. Then she smiled sadly, "I have no idea how he did it. That insane man. That beautiful man."

The elf who had saved her knelt beside her, holding a spear, "Algar returned shortly before you, mistress."

She waved the elf away, "It isn't mine anymore. If the spear passed to you, then the role has as well. You are now Guardian. And I... I am tired."

The younger elf nodded curtly, and then looked back to the water, "You didn't appear in the healing pools as you are, elder one. You appeared without form. You grew as a child grows."

Alphege laughed, "So that's it. I died, little one. I was struck down and killed in battle. It appears that there was a god watching over me."

"Lady F'rir saved you?"

She shook her head tiredly, stifling a yawn, "His name is Trei. He was human once. He died and was resurrected. Lady Yio attempted to become his consort, knowing what he would become. It appears he has finally done it. Become the man that he could be. The god that he is. He has saved me from death."

The elf looked at her curiously, "You speak so emotionally about one so much greater than ourselves."

"I loved that bastard." Alphege half-smiled, "He even helped me get dressed once. I kissed him, you know? I gave him my elfin kiss."

The elf's ears turned pink at that and the ex-guardian yawned, stretching, and then she curled up on her side, "I think I'll rest here a while, if that is okay."

"Of course, elder one."

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