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Luna punched another tree. A shock ran through it and there was a shattering sound as the ice crystal inside exploded, followed a moment later by the tree itself becoming little more than kindling that rained from above. The Fae fell on her knees, sobbing heavily.

As her tears struck the snow they crystallised, forming a latticework that spiralled outwards, turning the slush into a brilliant smooth blue surface. Freezing the entire realm. There was a cacophony of explosions as the entire forest began to freeze and explode as the limits of the trees' cavities were reached. Still, the Fae wept. She wept for a future she could not have, for a man who did not love her, and for a child who would not be hers.

She could feel him. A tiny knot of emotions at the back of her head, telling her where he was, what he was feeling. Ever since she'd been bound to him she'd been able to feel him, and the more time since... The stronger it got. Janus had been able to dull the sensation, but not block it. And now...

She could feel what he felt. The warmth. The adulation. The craving. Summer had laid her claim, and he had responded. He belonged to her, heart and soul. He loved her. Completely. Unrepentant.

A warm cloak dropped over her shoulders and Luna winced, trying to fight back the tears. She'd left this too long. She didn't want to say it, but she had to.

She liked Claven, too. The stubborn woman was a candle beside the wildfire of Trei, but still... She didn't want to hurt her.

No, that was the problem. She could hurt her. Too often. She was willing to treat Claven as less than Fae. To punish her for a crime she had no choice in. To hit her.

Claven was worth more than that.

In another world, even in time, Luna might have considered whether she could have a future with the woman. She was beautiful, stubborn, and intelligent. She was soft-hearted, but would risk everything for those she cared about. Those were the traits of someone worth living for. Someone worth caring about.

Luna was a monster. She knew it. She was willing to hurt anyone around her. She didn't deserve peace or happiness. She was a monster, because she had to be. She was the executioner of the Council. The one sent to kill fellow Fae. The only one trusted to wage war. To destroy the eternal souls of her own family.

She stood up, breathing shallowly, dragging the cloak tight around her, "You can go, Claven."

The woman breathed in sharply, and Luna turned, glaring at her through teary eyes, "I said, leave. Your crimes are forgiven, and I don't want you here."

Claven looked at her sadly, "You are hurting, mistress. I will be here for you."

"I cannot be yours!" Luna yelled angrily, flashing her teeth, "I will only hurt you. You need to leave. Set your heart on someone who isn't willing to stab you in yours. Someone worth caring about."

She shoved passed her and into the house, before closing the door and sealing it.

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