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Rendi surrendered the amber in his hand willingly, not daring to look at the child who took it with a brief squeal. That wasn't a child. She wasn't a Faeling. She was something else. Something that could go inside your head and make you kill yourself before you even realised what you were doing. She was a living curse.

At least he had the candy to try and bribe her not to attack him.

Summer smirked, "Careful, Rendi. She might condition that response."

The assassin looked at the queen blankly, "Better than... That. My queen."

The queen considered him for a moment, "... True."

He stood slowly and inched around Trei towards his mistress, flinching as he heard Astrian issue a low warning growl. A Faeling who was imprinted. This was probably one of the worst situations that could happen. Especially when that child has so much power to pack behind the confusing and overwhelming complex emotions they were feeling.

Rendi crouched beside his mistress, and stroked her cheek softly, "My lady."

Luna grabbed his hand and pulled herself upright, her sadness seemingly vanishing. She was burying her emotions, making her aura flare even more brightly and telegraphing what she was actually feeling. The princess wiped her face with irritation and stood up, "Sister... Someone stopped me hitting you."

Summer looked at his mistress in distaste, "Tyr."

Luna cocked her head, "You saw him?"

"Being dragged out of time isn't a new experience for me." Summer replied nonchalantly as if she were speaking about common magic and not reality-altering magic, "It is the first time I've seen Tyr directly intervene though. It seems he actually is trying to accomplish something. And that you're important to it."

His mistress stiffened, "I hadn't thought of it that way. Are you sure he wasn't just protecting you?"

Summer nodded, "He would have just needed to give me a moment's warning. Like he did when Janus took Trei."

"Who is Tyr?" Trei interjected suddenly, and Rendi turned, "Ah. He is... Fae, but not. Old. From the first cycle."

Summer rolled her eyes, "He's like you, Trei. Someone tried to resurrect him, not knowing that Fae are supposed to get reincarnated. Which sort of trapped him permanently as a ghoul, and outside of the normal flow of time. An eternal soul somehow bound to become mortal. It didn't work, and screwed things up royally. He... Watches us. Everyone. Just turns up for a few moments here and there, important moments that change the Fae as a people. Never does anything, just watches for a moment and vanishes. Like he was there when archaeologists discovered I was once Sumner."

Trei considered things for a moment, "I'm... Not really a ghoul anymore, am I? More a... Poltergeist?"

Rendi glanced at the body the human had taken, and shook his head, "If I may, Master Trei, you are more than you realise. That physical shell is yours now. Your soul is bonding with it... And changing it. It isn't quite Fae anymore, either."

Luna put a hand on his shoulder, "Rendi, you can see that?"

"Yes, mistress." He replied easily, "I am an expert at disassembling the constraints of a Fae's physical shell without harming the soul."

Summer glared at him, "Torture. Just say it."

Rendi shrugged, "Sometimes. Sometimes death. The same principles apply. However, this physical shell is no longer the First's. It has begun to adapt to the humanity of the new owner. Cellular division has rapidly increased, and spontaneous regeneration has started. In fact, from my brief observations, I would posit that the genetic makeup of the shell is... Shifting. New sequences are being introduced, though I cannot tell from where."

Summer laughed and gently punched Trei, "A hybrid. You're becoming a hybrid."

He turned to her slowly, "Wait... Does that mean I'm... Alive?"

"Living and dead are binary terms." Luna yawned, "The moment Summer brought you back, they didn't make sense anymore. You've always been a little dead and a little alive, since you came back."

Trei looked directly at her and Rendi felt his mistress' aura flare as the gaze fixed on her face, "And?"

Luna smiled sadly, "Yeah, you're leaning a bit more towards the living side now."

Rendi intercepted the flying fury and held a bead of amber in front of her nose and winced as she nearly took his hand with it. Summer laughed at the sight, and Luna frowned, "Maybe, whilst Trei is here, we should find Astrian another guardian."

Summer sighed heavily, "You're probably right. She has been trying to introduce suicidal thoughts into my head during feeds. A bit distracting."

Rendi stood stiffly, "I would suggest we move Astrian to your realm, mistress. There her safety can be guaranteed."

Luna turned, "Claven, you mind playing babysitter?"

The Fae blushed bright red and bowed her head, "If it is what you wish."

"No." Luna growled, rolling her eyes, "I asked if you minded. That ain't an order."

Rendi shrugged, cradling Astrian and offering her another amber piece, "I will watch over the Faeling."

Summer laughed, "She drove you out of your mind. You can't protect her."

Rendi looked at the queen, "The child can care for herself, it is true. Yet that danger only arises with the presence of the young master, here. I am the sensible choice. Astrian will be safe in the Eveningsong."

"She'll be a queen." Summer retorted and shrugged, "I can't think of anything better."

Luna nodded, "Go, Rendi."

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