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Luna arrived in the garden again, next to a fountain, and dropped to her knees, holding up her hands. "Apologies, the Council was called to session."

A pink-haired woman with strange ears and stranger black orbs of eyes glared down at her, "Does the Council bind reality together? Does their will dictate the destiny of souls? What call do they have upon you that causes you to insult me?"

Luna winced, "I meant no offence."

The pink haired woman tossed her head, and turned, making an annoyed sound. "Make your argument for your offensive presence, low creature."

Luna sighed, "I am here on behalf of my queen. She deals with a crisis, her reality was ruptured by a mortal. She has sent me to beg you for information about one."

The creature waved a hand tiredly, "Information? Why should I grant knowledge of the timestream to your queen? She has not visited us in some time, and now she sends a lackey. You stink of weakness, puny Fae."

"Yes." Luna growled, nearly losing her temper, "I stink of a mortal. I have imprinted on him, as did my queen, and another. How is this possible?"

The woman went very still and turned slowly, "Three? Three Fae are fated for the same creature?"

"Trei. A human who died." Luna stated, looking at the Fate in desperation, "How is it possible?"

"Oh." The woman whispered, her black eyes seemingly softening, and she crouched, taking Luna's hands gently, "You need make no supplication to me. I see your desperation, and I feel it also."

Luna looked at the omnipotent creature in confusion, "Why have the Fates bound me to one I cannot have?"

"It was not intended." The woman replied, "It is... My fault. I was following a mortal, who I like to plague. A human queen, with vast resources. I cursed with immortality, and the creature has truly embraced the curse as a blessing. She is highly adaptable. No matter what I do to her, she does not fail or lose hope."

Luna frowned, "A mage. The mage who killed Trei?"

"Yes." The woman nodded, "I... I saw him when the mage went to visit him for some tedious reason I can't recall. I saw his kindness, and his boyish stupidity. I was... Enraptured."

Luna blinked in surprise, "I was not aware that the Fates could feel attraction."

The woman shrugged, "Of course we can. I however, was selfish. I attempted to bind his fate to my own. During this process, however, the mortal was killed, an action taken by one of my sisters to... Keep me rooted in my responsibilities."

Luna shook her head, "I don't understand."

"His fate became... Unbound from the rest of reality." The Fate said slowly, "Instead of fating the crossing of his path with mine, I made it so that he can determine his own destiny. So that his heart controls his own fate. He will be inevitably granted everything that his heart desires. My own fate is bound to his, as is the fate of everyone who crosses his path. To put it as simply as I can, he is now like unto a Fate. He possesses the same power and abilities as my sisters and I do. He has not the experience or knowledge to control it, but he has it all the same."

Luna swallowed nervously, "So... He isn't really my soulmate then? Its just because I met him?"

The Fate laughed, "No. Your fate is bound to his, because he thought you were cute. You are his soulmate. But he may not choose you. All four of us are his soulmate... But he has the power to choose which of us will ultimately remain his soulmate."

Luna felt like she'd been stabbed. Trei was her future, but she might not be his. And she'd have to compete with a Fate and her sister.


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