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Summer grabbed the two Fae, squeezing them to her as she burst into tears.

Luna's heart rate skyrocketed, "Summer? What?"

Her sister pulled back, looking at them both sadly, "I have... I don't know why. But the woman who killed Trei also imprinted on him."

Luna closed her eyes, feeling her heart burn. "Oh."

Her sister touched her cheek, "I'm sorry. I... I just wanted to stop it, but I was late."

Luna swallowed, "It only took seeing him once."

Astrian laughed beside her, "You imprinted when you saw him naked?"

Summer grabbed her chin, and Luna looked at her sister's angry eyes as she could feel her breath on her face, "You saw him naked?"

Luna winced, "I shifted into my room. I'm sorry. I didn't expect to see anybody, let alone a dead guy getting dressed. And he wasn't entirely naked."

Summer fought with herself, letting go of her sister, "I really wanted to just kill you right now... Damn I hate him. I can't control what I feel."

Luna half-smiled, "The feeling is mutual. Guy just walks around and I get pulled along."

Summer turned to Astrian, "How are you still in control?"

"I am jealous." The Fae replied, shrugging, "However I have spent lifetimes in service to you, my Queen. I have learned to control when I will act. An essential skill for all who serve another."

Summer laughed, "I think you just insulted me, Astrian."

"My Lady." Luna interrupted, "What are we going to do? If every girl who sees that bastard imprints..."

Summer shrugged, "I am uncertain... I believe an investigation as to whether he was always like this in the mortal world is necessary. In the meantime, we need an excuse to delay the wedding."

Astrian frowned, "That is unlikely to be granted by Janus, m'lady."

"The mortal he imprinted on was attacked by black dust." Summer said, "It caused her to try and rip a hole in my reality, to get him back."

"Janus was trying to get her to steal him." Luna said slowly, "To make you break the law to get him back. He's been watching. He knows the imprint is real... So he's probably seen us act like idiots, too."

Astrian sighed, "There is an option, my queen. Seek a stay, so that we can improve the condition of soul and flesh. The Right of Durian should permit a day or two to allow a healing process. The Council's vote will be divided, but it may work."

Summer shrugged, "A day or two isn't going to help much. We have no records of any mortal ever having this effect on anyone."

Luna nodded, "Right. But we know why the effect exists."

The queen looked at her, "Sister, please don't be suggesting that-"

Luna interrupted her, "Go to the Fates. Demand an explanation. None of us can, but you can."

"Janus will use that against us." Summer growled, "Proof I don't really want to love him."

"You can send an emissary, if you're dealing with a crisis." Luna replied, "Send me, whilst you return to investigate how a mortal managed to rip a hole in the Garden."

Her sister seemed conflicted and then turned slowly, "That leaves you in charge of protecting him, Astrian. And if you kiss him, I'll eat your soul."

Astrian blushed and spoke weakly, "I will restrain myself."

Summer glared, "I mean it. I will kill you, and you will never return."

Luna felt herself speaking before she could stop herself, "I think that goes for all of us, Summer."

The queen shot her a glare, and Luna looked down, kicking herself.

Summer sighed, "Gods I hate imprints. Look, none of us is really in control. We hate each other because of him. Hopefully, that isn't long term."

Luna looked up, "Give me the key. More distance between me and him, the better."

Her sister handed over a brass key, "The Fates won't be happy with this. They will probably torture you first."

Luna smiled weakly, "Yay. Aren't they wonderful?"

Then she turned and stepped sideways through the walls of reality.

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