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Summer's eyes went wide as she felt herself detach from the ghoul again. The instincts took over. The rage, the hunger. The overwhelming desire to bite and break and thrash and tear.

Tyr snapped his fingers, and the binding holding her in place vanished.

Summer tried to fight, tried to scream. The anger bubbled up, covering up her vision, covering up her mind. She could feel the hunt.

The prey was near.

She moved towards it, tearing through the ground.

The prey ran, as prey always did.

She pounced from above, tearing off one arm and biting onto the wings that tried to flutter. She felt the teeth shatter in surprise. The wing wasn't delicate. She seized it with both hands as the prey began to rise into the air, and tore it free of the softer flesh on the back of the prey.

She revelled as the blood of the prey sprayed over her, the scent of its fear filling the air.

She tossed aside the inedible wing and ran after the prey again.

The prey turned to fight.

She twisted through the air with unusual grace as it turned to flames, passing by her. The heat ruptured blood vessel, char-grilled flesh. The pain was nothing but a distant memory. This body had no sense of preservation.

She ran through the flames and grabbed the hand that had summoned them, and her jaws crushed it. She howled in glee as she tore the hand free, leaving the prey defenceless.

The prey fell to their knees, blubbering words.

She didn't understand words. No need for words in the hunt.

Just the kill.

She killed.

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