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Ashwen stepped into the garden, looking at the destruction in surprise. She glanced over at her lieutenants who had gone ahead, and walked over, "What can you tell me?"

One of them shrugged, "Traces are inconclusive. Some sort of magic was used here. A large enough spell that it has blocked everything out."

"What was the spell, then?" Ashwen growled angrily, and the group shifted nervously, looking at their feet.

Ashwen rolled her eyes and tossed some dust in the air, and frowned at the result. A forbidden spell. One trusted to Luna. She'd butchered her own people. It confirmed what she knew already. The hopeless cause that was following royalty.


"A Faeling," Kru answered.

Ashwen turned and nodded, "Show me."

The lieutenant pointed towards the house, "She's in there. I wouldn't go in. It's Astrian. She's killed three already."

The brunette rolled her eyes, drawing her sword as she moved towards the log house. It hit her before she even opened the door. Memories of Janus lying dead on the ground. His brutalised corpse. It was Summer's fault. She would avenge him.

She pushed open the door, smiling at the Faeling, "You won't find a way to get me to kill myself that way, Faeling."

The blonde-haired child looked at her angrily, tiny fists clenched.

Ashwen didn't feel anything. No rage. No regret. She simple did what she had to do. What must be done if the Fae were to be free, free to grow. Free to become the people that they deserved to be. Free to be the people that the queen had prevented them from becoming.

It wasn't murder.

It was an execution.

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