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Claven sniffed the air cautiously, her wings stiffly creaking as they untwisted from around her. Her hands grabbed her dress from over her shoulder and slipped it on as she peered around herself nervously. The room was still dark, and quiet. The coals in the fireplace were still glowing, but barely. There was a frost outside.

"Tea, madam?"

She spun around with a frightened hiss, staring at the butler who had seemingly appeared from no where. He placed a silver tray beside her on the ground, with a steaming cup of tea and a bowl of freshly ground herbs. He stood stiffly and glanced around the room, "I would expect our Lady will be quite thorough in examining your work. Do not take long to get started."

Claven sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping. There was no escaping this.

She was the prisoner of the Lady Luna, and if she tried to escape or fight back, then her world would end. The woman was simply so much more powerful than she'd expected. So much more prepared for any kind of threat. Her servants could come and go without warning here.

The butler sighed heavily, "Drink your tea. It will calm your nerves, madam."

Then he was gone, without a movement or sparkle of magic. Just vanished. A hidden channel, Luna had said. Maybe it was true. Hard to tell.

She picked up the cup, letting the heat soak into her hands, and she glanced over at the window to the outside. It was still dark, and so cold. Her wings were stiff and tight, but she doubted she'd get to catch enough sunshine in weather like this to fully rejuvenate. She'd be limited to the food and drink, starved of her own dust. A perpetually weakened state.

"That's not intentional."

She turned, glaring at the voice, and saw Luna lounging at a nearby table, feet crossed and sitting on the edge of it. The Fae waved, smiling, "Glad to see you're awake. I was beginning to get worried you'd forgotten the work."

Claven looked down at her tea, "I have not forgotten, your Ladyship."

"Mistress will do." Luna laughed through a mouthful of food.

"Yes, mistress." Claven said, struggling not to cry. She really was a slave. All because of the Fates. Being forced into this war between her own people and the celestials. The world was falling apart. Her world was over, destroyed and derailed in an instant.

"Careful." Luna's voice whispered in her ear, one hand steadying her wrist, and Claven looked up in surprise at the Fae's face, now gentle. Luna smiled at her softly, "We've all got a lot on our plates. Consider this, madam. If you are here, a prisoner in my home, then you are being kept from the frontlines of this war. Here you will not be killed, unless the war is already lost. You failed the Fates. They will not be taking that lightly, even though the task they set you was impossible."

Claven nodded. She was weak. Yet here Luna was, protecting her in some small way, despite everything she had done.

It was a surprise, coming from the Shadow Knight, the ruthless protector of the realms.

Luna grinned at her, showing off her fangs, "Oh, I wouldn't say I'm all that kind."

Claven flinched, shivering, "Have you always read thoughts, mistress?"

Luna yawned, standing up, "Mostly. I'm not as good as Astrian. Just general impressions and ideas. That girl could turn your head inside out and drop you inside your own worst nightmare before you realised she was even taking a look at your mind."

Claven sipped the warm tea, feeling the swirl of nectar and tea ignite her throat. "I'm not a powerful Fae, or even particularly gifted."

Luna looked at her with exasperation, "You're on the Council. You're gifted."

"At memory recall." Claven retorted, "I can recall my past lives more clearly than most. It makes for a good archivist. Not much else."

The princess picked up her breakfast, kicking a spark into the fireplace to rekindle it, "So? Knowledge is a dangerous thing. Your knowledge is useful."

"The Arbiter didn't think so." Claven replied bitterly, "He never even approached me to help him."

Luna considered for a moment, "Well, maybe you should be happy about that. Bastard tortured me when I didn't accept."

Claven glared at her, "I'm not convinced your sister should lead us, mistress."

Luna shot her a look of death, and then spoke slowly, "She has proven her worth, lifetime after lifetime. Janus is the ass that kidnaps, tortures, assassinates and annexes. He's a violent one."

"So were we, once." Claven hissed, "The Fae were a proud people, once. Powerful and strong. We conquered other realms... Now we barely even react amongst ourselves when we lose what belongs to us."

Luna grinned at her, "Well, my sister you think is so weak has declared war against Janus. War is returning to the realms. Perhaps you'll see enough of it to remember why our people abandoned violence and sought peace. Or maybe you'll just die."

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