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The emergency session of the Council kicked into high gear. Summer arrived, yanked from Trei's side by the magic of the summons.

She glared around the room as the other councillors popped into existence, one by one. None of them seemed to know why they were there, or who had summoned them. All of them seemed surprised, except for Janus.

He looked calm, but unhappy. A permanent attitude. Had he summoned the Council? Or was he just knowledgeable thanks to his damned spy network? What was the man playing at?

Doubt erased itself from her mind and was replaced with horror as a Fae appeared in the centre of the room. Luna stood there, weakly. Her wrists were burned, her face was bloodied and bruised. Her wings didn't sparkle, and showed marks where they had been bound.

Summer stood up slowly, staring, "Luna..."

The crown princess held up a hand, "My Queen. Please, sit, so I can say my piece."

The Council chambers were silent, watching the woman in quiet apprehension. Luna spread her hands, "Councillors, I was just taken captive. I was tortured, whilst one sought information on a recent meeting between myself and the Fates. The one who attacked me, bound me, and cast the Derran Spellvirus on me was defeated, but they acted on the behest of the Arbiter."

Summer was impressed. Even this beat up her sister knew what she was doing. Every phrase was an unambiguous crime.

Janus stood up, "I object. Where is your evidence that I would dare to attack the heir to the Evening Realms?"

Summer glared at him, "Heir to the Faen Realms, Arbiter. Not just the Evening Realms."

The councillor looked off-balance at her coldness, and that the others weren't leaping to his defence. He sat down slowly, and Luna nodded, "You have the right, Arbiter, to ask that this evidence is heard."

Summer felt her heart accelerate. Evidence. Her sister had evidence against Janus.

"Boy." Luna growled, and the room hissed as a man in black appeared next to her. An assassin, using dark magic. A tool of Janus', but not one any of them had ever been able to prove he actually used. It was an offensive thought to think they existed. A Fae dedicated to the permanent destruction of another Fae.

The man bowed his head, "I am Rendi, and I have served the Arbiter, Janus, for six hundred and twenty three lifetimes, as a tool of destruction."

Janus stared in shock, "If... If this is true, Rendi, why are you here and speaking against one you have served for so long? Surely such loyalty is doubted the moment you appear to question it?"

Rendi shrugged, "I am no longer yours, Arbiter. This change in loyalty is explained simply. My lady?"

Luna grinned, glaring at Janus, "I am the Shadow Knight of the Evening Realms, Arbiter. For how long have your servants dedicated themselves to the study of my magic? It belongs to me, and as of this moment, so do they."

Summer swallowed. Her sister was utilising something that was more than a touch taboo. Stealing the souls of Fae, twisting them into her servants. This kind of slavery had been wiped out before the human race had even been born. It was anathema.

Luna shrugged, "I had no choice. The Arbiter attacked me. I was tortured. I am willing to release these men and women from my command, Arbiter, but not before you answer to the crimes you have committed. All of those who are now mine will answer under any requirement that might be made by the Council. The truth will be made plain."

Janus looked up at Luna with unbridled hatred, "You bitch."

Summer launched to her feet, "Take the Arbiter into custody."

Janus scoffed as a Fae moved towards him, and vanished, stepping through reality with a magic that Summer had never seen. So he had kept some secrets to himself, then. She turned and looked at the rest of the Council, "Issue an arrest warrant for the Arbiter. I also move that we seize his realms until the trial has completed."

The vote was instant and unanimous.

However, Summer felt her heart beating. Janus was gone. She wasn't entirely sure they could stop whatever he was planning. He wasn't a weak Fae, and he knew every route in and out of the realms. All they'd done just now was make him desperate... Or played into his hands, if this was his intent when he ordered her sister's torture.

Luna swayed slightly, and Rendi caught her. "Councillors, if that is all, I believe my mistress has been through an ordeal. I know it to be true, by my own hand. Allow me to make some small penance by caring for her now."

Summer really didn't like the way he was talking. But, he was right. She turned to the others, and then turned back, "Luna. You must be protected. Walk the hidden line, and walk it not alone."

Her sister nodded tiredly, and then the two vanished.

Summer clenched her fists, "Now, councillors, if you'll excuse me, I now have to explain this to my future husband."

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