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"Enough!" Tyr yelled, knocking the ghoul backwards. He glared, "That's enough, Trei. Don't you understand it yet? What we are?"

The man glared at him, hate bubbling there, "We?"

"You are nothing like a ghoul." Tyr growled, "And neither am I. There is no one else like either of us, in any realm. We are not alive. We are not dead. We are unbound by the cycle of life and death that effects all things. We are cursed. I didn't just free me, Trei. I freed both of us. The victims of Summer's eternal necromancy. Forced to be different from all things. You couldn't die even if you wanted to. That's why the fates kidnapped you, rather than wiping you out. The universe wouldn't let you die, Trei. Not ever."

The man didn't answer, looking angrier than ever.

"I didn't dodge your attacks, Trei." Tyr sneered, "The universe realised it would hurt me and it changed the world so I wasn't in the way anymore. You can't kill me. I can't kill me. That's why this all had to happen. I became a fixed point in time and space and matter. That isn't supposed to happen. Not ever. I am a fact in a universe of relativities and perspectives. The only way out was to destroy the only thing that keeps life going."

Trei glared at him, "You killed her. That's all I care about. I don't give a shit why you did it."

"You will." Tyr sneered, "Because I'm free now, and you're not. You'll care in a hundred billion years from now, when the entire universe is dead, except for you. You'll care when time stops moving. When matter degrades and falls apart. Because you will still exist, even when the universe stops. I have witnessed every event of every timeline of every possibility. I was forced to live them all at the moment of my resurrection. I have seen the universe burn out. This one dead Fae is nothing compare to what I have seen. She is nothing in the history of the universe. Come and gone in the blink of an eye. You don't have numbers large enough to represent how long I have been forced to stay alive, Trei."

He paced backwards and forwards, "I want you to understand, Trei. The only way you will get to be free, is if you let go of her memory. An eternity of hatred against something you can't change isn't worth it. Don't let your anger burn you out. I have done only as much as needed to be done. Nothing more."

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