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Sarin looked at the square of light hovering in front of her, displaying the coronation of the new Faen king. He wasn't Fae at all.

It was an interesting result. Almost everyone had got what they set out to get. A few broken hearts.

Yet, hundreds had died.

So many nameless knights, so many faceless assassins. Men and women without names. Children who didn't know their own. Struck down and murdered in the chaotic violence they followed in the wake of a man whose powers outstripped her own by several orders of magnitude. He was a danger, and always would be. The balance of the universe would always tip in his favour when he desired it.

Vastras had been correct.

She had created a weapon that would eventually destroy the gods. It was inevitable. But perhaps it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Perhaps he could be the first creation of a new world. A world where no one needed gods or heroes. Where massacres were the exception, rather than the rule. A world where war had become obsolete, and all peoples could become equal.

There was opportunity there.

Risk as well.

She would tip the balance, she could not allow this opportunity pass her by.

Sarin snapped her fingers, yanking a soul out of time.

He groaned as he hit the floor in front of her, and Sarin looped a red thread around his wrist, binding him. She glared down at him, "Well then, Tyr. Welcome back."

Tyr flinched, "A Fate? But... I died. It was over!"

Sarin smiled, "But nothing ever truly ends. All actions beget the next. The sun doesn't stop shining just because you wish it would. Even if we win in the end, tomorrow will still come creeping in."

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