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Luna felt the ice crunch beneath her feet as she landed softly on the frost-laden grass of her home. Her gaze swept the forest quickly, watching the shadows. These were her people, her guardians and her creations. Weapons forged for war, people crafted into merciless means of destruction. She had perverted them, and stolen hope from them. They were not, nor could they ever be, creatures of peace.

She paused, pursing her lips. There were more than they should be.

Not even the armies she'd stolen from the Arbiter would explain the discrepancy. Nor could a rebellion breeding in secret.

"Well, then. Would you like some tea?" She asked scornfully, indicating her cottage.

The air shivered and unravelled, revealing a female Fae, her eyes were a brilliant red, as was her hair. The creature eyed her, "Knight."

"This is my realm." Luna replied with a yawn, "You will respect my title, Madam Claven."

The Fae bowed sarcastically, "Princess Luna."

She turned her back on the woman deliberately and headed for her cottage, "Will you join me, Madam?"

She heard a hiss of outrage from the Fae, but it suddenly choked off as Luna snapped her fingers. There was a series of screams, followed by silence. The beasts that Claven had brought with her were gone. Eliminated by those who truly knew war, and the intelligence required to fight a battle.

She entered the house, leaving the door ajar.

Luna stretched and flicked a finger, igniting her fire. She sat down, sinking into the armchair comfortably.

Claven stood in the doorway, eyes wide with rage and horror, and Luna smiled, indicating another armchair, "I assume you have some point to make, Madam. You are on the Council, true enough, but I doubt that they have sanctioned your actions here. Not with the Arbiter standing against our Queen."

The red haired woman sat down slowly, flinching as a male Fae appeared carrying a teacup and kettle. He poured it absent-mindedly, as Claven glanced from him and back to her, "How did he hide in here?"

Luna rolled her eyes, "He did not hide, Madam. Enri has ever served me dutifully. He waited, inside this cottage. Waited for you and I to sit and speak to one another. Because, Madam, Enri does know the limits of my ability... And you clearly do not. A hundred shades? Ten were greater shades, yes... But that's all you bring to try and threaten me?"

Luna turned up her nose, glaring, "You have deeply insulted me. Tell me, Madam Claven, do you remember Hero? The war he waged against our people and how many he killed?"

Claven glanced down into her tea, a quiet stillness passing over her form, "Yes, Princess Luna."

"Who was it who slayed him, Madam Claven?"

The red-haired Fae's wings curled up, and the glow of dust on her skin faded, "He was struck down by your hand."

"And mine alone." Luna growled angrily, "Whilst Queen Summer watched, unassisting. I am not some petty noble you can dispose of with a season of rearing monsters from black dust... Which also an insult. The dust is mine. I let you have it."

Claven nodded silently, the fire seemingly sucked out of her.

"Now, little Faeling, tell me why you have attacked." Luna snapped.

Claven flinched, suddenly seeming on the verge of tears. "I was instructed. The army... Their original purpose was to guard my fields. To protect them, against Janus."

Luna blinked, and leaned forward, "Ash. The Fates came to you, didn't they? Demanding me head?"

Claven nodded nervously, a single tear running from her eye. Luna smiled darkly, "Well, I expect they thought I'd just kill you and be done with it. I guess you can consider yourself one lucky little Faeling then."

Claven looked at her with a touch of hatred, "Continue calling me a Faeling."

Luna shrugged, "I might. Not much you can do about it. Though, that does remind me of something you might care about. You were friends with Astrian once, were you not?"

Claven nodded quietly, still staring at the warm drink in her hands.

"She's been reborn." Luna said, her voice going quiet and sad, "Summer is nursing her. If you'd like to re-establish that friendship."

Claven jerked her head up, "Already? She was not halfway through her cycle!"

Luna nodded grimly, "Astrian burned out. I nearly did, too, to be honest. The Fates tried to kill the future-husband of our Queen."

Claven bared her fangs, "They force me to attack you. And they attack that which is our Queen's? What are they doing? They've broken the treaty."

"Treaties are politics in the end." Luna shrugged, "Sometimes crap happens."

The red-haired Fae shook her head, "The celestials. Something terrible is -"

"Has happened." Luna cut her off, "I am mobilising my forces, Faeling. Janus has kidnapped Trei. The Queen has declared war."

Claven stared at her wide-eyed, and then swallowed nervously, "You know the Queen's husband?"

Luna nearly kicked herself. Of all the bombshells, the stupid wench had noticed that one? That she liked Trei?

"I have done my duty by him."

Claven grinned showing her fangs, "Oh my. Now isn't this surprising. You actually have a heart, dear princess."

"I will eat yours gladly, if you continue." Luna shot back casually, and then waved to Enri, "Could you issue the general order?"

The butler bowed and disappeared, and Claven glanced over at him in surprise, "That was too fast for a shift. Having you been hiding secret magic?"

"No." Luna yawned, "That was a channel. I've placed a few thousand throughout my realms. Convenient way to travel for a military force. Quiet and fast, if somewhat disorienting if you haven't trained to use them."

Claven flinched, sighing heavily, "So what is my fate to be, Princess Luna?"

"I haven't decided." She yawned, glancing at the woman, "I guess, for now, you are a prisoner of war. You have committed treason. The Queen will probably wish to decide your fate, as you acted on the behest of her enemies. She might let you off lightly, all things considered. But if you irritate me, I'll make sure you never rejoin the lifestream."

Claven shivered and nodded silently. The message got through her thick skull, then.

"Enri is going to be busy." Luna considered, "Why don't you stay here, and clean up the cottage? It'll give me time to construct an appropriate prison for you. Sleep in front of the fire."

She stood up, walking towards her bedroom, and wondering why she'd been so soft on a Fae who had just attempted to kill her.

It felt strange. Even the Fae's quiet sobs behind her elicited some kind of sympathy inside her.

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