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"Put down the sword." She growled as the paladin approached, "You really don't want me to stop what I'm doing. The rebound might well take out the entire world."

The soldier lowered his sword carefully, "What are you doing, witch?"

"Finishing what I started." Vastras spat, "Paladin, tell me, what is the original sin?"

The soldier scoffed, "Magic. Man stole from the gods, and used it to fight them, to kill them."

"Yes." Vastras smiled, "But not anymore. Not ever again. I have taken the lifestream of a celestial. With it, I am cutting off all magic, to the entire world."

The paladin changed his stance slightly, "Why desecrate the dead?"

She was standing over the Pit. A place on the edge of Calis were the dead were gathered for burning. Where they had always been gathered for burning. A place of deep sacrifice. "So many lives have been sacrificed here over the years. It became a focal point of magic in this world, stronger than any shrine ever was. I will not give mankind back to the gods by desecrating their dwelling places. So I forged one."

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