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Luna collapsed, spent.

The princess looked at her shaking hands and the patchwork of blackened veins leading up her arms. That was not a good sign. Her magic was corruption after all, but when it started corrupting its own source... Things would be turning on their heads a little. When black dust corrupted itself it became the Fel.

She looked up from the floor where she could see the not-mortal mage. The woman was covered in sweat, and her cloak lay on the ground. However, she was still casting. An intricate spell, a swirling form of magics that she barely recognised, including her own. That explained the drain a bit more clearly. The mage was using her magic in ways she'd never even attempted. Who knew what effect it would have on the flow?

"Astrian." The mage growled, "He's here. Lend me your memories."

The caretaker screamed in agony and dropped face-forward into the wooden floor. Luna watched, too weak to do anything. Astrian was bleeding from her eyes. Whatever the mage was doing... It was too much. She was going to kill them both in an attempt to rescue someone from a Fate. It was stupid for them to even try.

"Luna." The mage spoke angrily, "Your turn. Focus your mind on Trei."

The princess glowered at her, but felt her memories sifting of their own accord. That first time, when she'd shifted into her bedroom. She'd tried to skid to a halt, amid dimensions as she saw the burned skin. Strong legs, stronger arms. A blacksmith. Fit as a fiddle, and with the cutest look of surprise in his eyes. Her heart had just about stopped. Moreso when she realised that the only thing he had on was a pair of underpants that didn't leave a lot to her rather active imagination.

The mage twitched, trying not to burst out laughing.

Luna clenched a fist weakly, "Shut up. Wasn't my fault he decided to be naked."

"You could have knocked." A new voice echoed.

All three looked over tiredly, and then stared in surprise. The figure waved a hand, "Reconstruct."

Now there were five in the room.

Luna smiled, tears flowing down her cheeks, "Trei."

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