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Claven raised her head as she heard a knock at the door.

"Ignore it." Luna said with irritation, kissing around her neck, and trying to get her attention back. Claven looked down, feeling the temptation as she looked at the flushed face of her love. They were in Claven's home, far from any prying eyes. But it could be about the water wheel, and if it was it was something she probably should deal with.

Luna bit her neck gently, causing Claven to moan unbidden, "I said, ignore it."

Claven smiled, "Okay. For you."

She bent down, kissing the woman, arms moving around her. Luna flipped her onto her back easily, and began kissing down her neck, down her chest.


Claven went bright red, grabbing the nearby quilt and wrapping it over the both of them. Luna spun in her arms to glare at the intruder, and paused as she saw who it was.

The black-eyed man rubbed his head nervously, "Sorry. I'm checking in on everyone. I won't be long."

"Come back later." Luna growled, "Why now, Trei? It's taken Claven all day to get in the mood."

The redhead glared at her, "Luna!"

The princess smiled back at her sheepishly, "Well, it's true."

Claven pouted. She couldn't stop Luna. Couldn't say no to her. If she did and didn't mean it, then Luna went right on doing whatever she wanted. Having a lover who could read your thoughts was rather interesting. If Claven said she didn't want anything, but it was just because she had things to do but actually did want Luna... Luna just kept right on. They'd have to find a way to balance that, but this early on... Claven was willing to give her some freedom. More than willing. They'd both died. Being together was a celebration they should never have had.

And it was because of the man in front of them. That was obvious.

Trei sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Well, mostly because once I'm done, I'm going to Summer. I'm sealing the realm, and none of you will be able to speak to me for a while."

Luna grinned cheekily, "Oh. Really?"

Trei shrugged, "Isn't that what you two are basically doing, here?"

Claven went bright red and looked down. It didn't help. She was staring at Luna's naked back. Not a great way to clear her head.

"So. You survived." Luna began, "And then you went and resurrected us."

"Alphege is in Eldrassa." Trei yawned, "Astrian is in Calis, with my mother. Ashwen is still banished to a world beyond the void. She refused to come back... But I brought most of the others back. A few stayed. A few have gone into willing exile. Things are going to be messy on the political front."

"Don't care." Luna interrupted, "Not right now. So, unless you're going to join in, Trei, can you get the hell out?"

Claven glared at her lover, "Oi. I never said I wanted company."

Luna looked sweetly back at her. Claven glared.

Luna's eyes got bigger.

Claven glared some more.

Trei burst out laughing, "I'll get out of your hair. Careful with this one Claven, she'll make you raw."

Claven opened her mouth, not sure what to say, but he was gone. Disappeared without magic. Just like the Fates.

She flopped back onto the bed, feeling Luna tracing her teeth on her stomach, "I'm not in the mood anymore."

Luna sighed and snuggled up beside her, drawing the blanket over both of them and wrapping a leg around her waist, "I'm sorry. I probably pushed that."

"You don't say." Claven said with a stiff jaw.

"I can't help it." Luna pouted, "He drives me just as crazy as you. And can you really say his new power isn't sexy?"

Claven looked over in surprise, "You find power sexy?"

Luna turned red, "I didn't say that."

Claven laughed, resting her forehead against hers, "Oh, yes you did."

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