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The elf spun the spear, blocking the attack on Trei. She was uncertain in this conflict. Her opponent wasn't in control of herself. Clearly Tyr had pushed her aside and allowed the ghoul to act. To commit atrocity. However, the woman had already killed Luna, a powerful warrior in her own right. If she held back it was possible that both her and Trei would die.

The spear continued to move in her hand fluidly, blocking every mad strike of the creature whilst the ground beneath her collapsed like a child's sand castle. The rage controlling the ghoul was unceasing, unending. The only advantage she had was that the woman was dying. Yet, the monster that she had become didn't have a sense of self-preservation. It hadn't slowed, despite the muscles tearing and tendons snapping. It continued to move in a haphazard and unpredictable way. Violence the only thing on the creature's mind.

Mind. The mind wasn't exposed, she needed to find a way to bring it to the forefront.

"Shit." Trei cursed behind her, and Alphege risked a glance. She swore as she turned back, blocking Summer again, "For fuck's sake!"

She felt a ripple shift in Trei's aura as he was surprised by her unusually uncouth language. The situation called for it. "Can you handle them?"

Them. An veritable army was spilling into the square, lead by two Fae. One was a brunette that Alphege didn't recognise at all, and apparently the one in command of everything. Beside her however, was the problem. It was Madam Claven. Covered head to toe in what stank of human blood. Clearly the woman was not coping with the death of Luna. Much like Luna had not dealt with the death of Trei well. As violent as each other. They made a pair.

"Summer!" The newcomer yelled angrily, "Surrender!"

Alphege ducked backwards as a fist broke against the side of her spear. Surrender? Seriously? These people were insane. They'd be lucky if they came out of this alive.

Trei growled angrily, "They're going to attack."

"Handle them, idiot!" Alphege roared backwards, knocking Summer to the side with a crushing blow to the ribcage.

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