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She knew she was small, and that something bad was happening. It was frustrating. She could feel the swirl of thoughts of the people attacking, of the people fighting. She knew it should mean more to her, but she couldn't grasp the memories correctly. She knew she should be able to understand was happening.

She'd been through something like this before, in one of her past lives. She knew that. She knew she'd lived before. Loved before. Been scared like this.

She wasn't alone.

The assassins, all of them with minds agog with thoughts of protecting Luna, stood over her, defending her. Dying for her.

The Faeling fell to her knees, clapping her hands over her ears. Death. Dying, dying, dying! Everyone was fighting and dying! She could hear them screaming, feel this souls slipping. She could feel them, all of them.

It wasn't fair! None of this was fair!

Astrian screwed up her face and let loose an angry howl.

The assassins around her flinched, falling to their knees, and Astrian stood up. She stepped forward, tiny hands clenched into fists, and she screamed again. The humans fell over. She raised her hands into the air, feeling their minds and grabbed them. Twisting them and binding them together, into a single dream.

A single nightmare.

The anger of the Faeling spilled out, corrupting their hearts, and giving rise to their fears. All of their fears.

Astrian growled quietly as the knights began to kill themselves.

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