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Summer paced back and forth, her wings flapping nervously.

Three mages nearby were focused, eyes closed, hands outstretched as sweat poured off them in rivulets. Their wings hung limply and dripped as they focused on the breach in front of them. They wouldn't last much longer.

She turned, eyeing the breach carefully. She still didn't understand its nature, she couldn't seal it. All anyone could do was hold it back. The wait and analyse approach wasn't working. She might gain a small amount of knowledge from allowing the breach to grow, but the danger was too much.

Summer held out one hand, seizing control of the magic of the three mages, who collapsed gratefully to the ground. A single bead of sweat grew on her forehead as she concentrated, keeping a firm hold on this tear in her reality.

Her reality.

Magic flowed into her, more than she needed to hold the breach. Her wings flared open, shining like a golden star, and her eyes began to glow, obscuring them. Her hair slowly floated upwards, flecks of gold light dancing around them as she filled herself with mana, filled to overflowing.

She could softly hear one of the mage's attempting to tiredly protest, but she was only dimly aware of them. The world was fading away from her, the colours turning to darkness, and the inhabitants to dust. She was rising above the concerns of a petty present and into something more.

She took a single step closer to the breach, revealing the tether that had created it. Mana was pouring down the tether, more than she was filled with. She knew of no creature, mortal or immortal, who could generate that much power. It had to be an artefact, which suggested a mortal was behind this blatant attack. Stored magic, stored over aeons, being utilised in a hamfisted attempt to enter her realm.

Summer walked forward, and into the breach.

She felt her physical frame being stripped apart, each fibre and fragment of her being was disassembled. The destructive force that had unravelled the edge of her realm unravelled her. Yet, even in this state, it had not destroyed her. She was more than simply a physical shell, and her power allowed her to hold onto that. She followed the mana stream, allowing the storm that raged down the tether to wash over her, rejuvenating her.

Summer arrived at the destination and reassembled herself as she stepped into the mortal world.

The darkened room flared into light in her magic-infused presence, and she turned her eyes to the mortal, bleeding and sweating as one hand was held against a crystal em
bedded in the earth. The crystal was as tall as Summer at first glance, but the beat of mana in it showed it ran deeper, into a vein of magically-infused crystal that le
ad deeper than anyone had ever travelled. This was a weapon more powerful than any mortalkind had ever possessed.

"Cease, mortal." She growled.

The metal-wearing creature looked up at her, with tears in it's eyes, "I can't. I have to bring him back. It's my fault."

Summer snapped her fingers, and the hand of the creature was separated cleanly. It howled and fell backwards, but the magical stream of destruction leaving the crystal ceased.

Summer felt the breach close, and let the magic drain out of her. Her hair fell, and the light faded to a dull glow, and she crouched by the mortal, lifting her up gently. She held her as she healed the dismembered hand. "Easy. You weren't helping anyone just now, mortal."

The warrior stared at her, "I need to bring him back. Please."

"You tore a hole in my reality, nothing more." Summer stated, "You can't resurrect the dead that way. If the soul is gone, then it's difficult to get it back."

The warrior frowned, "His soul wasn't gone. I traced it. He was in... I guess it's your world."

Summer's eyes widened in terror, "Trei. You mean Trei."

The warrior sat up, looking at her out of tear-stained eyes, "He's alive?"

"No." Summer stated carefully, "But not dead. I already resurrected him."

The warrior stared at her, "What? Why?"

Summer sighed heavily, "I... Look. You just attacked my people. If you want to see Trei, I can arrange it. He's staying at my house. But... A mortal is only allowed to visit under certain circumstances, or the other Fae will freak and kill you. The Arbiter hates mortals, and he's just as powerful as me. He's the one I'll have to convince."

The warrior breathed a sigh of relief, "He's alive... I'm... Sorry. I... I regretted it. Then... His body was gone. I didn't know what to do."

Summer held up a hand, glaring at the warrior, "There is something in your eye, mortal."

The warrior blinked, "What?"

Summer tossed her to the ground easily, baring her fangs and she grabbed the black dot and heaved. A flailing snake of shadow magic screeched as it was torn out. The mortal screamed in pain, grabbing her eye socket as blood poured from it.

Summer killed the snake, crushing the neck, and looked down at the mortal, "Well, it seems you were not entirely in control of your actions."

The warrior stood up, shaking angrily, "What was that? Answer, Fae."

"Magic." She shrugged, holding out the black dust, "Have you seen this before?"

The warrior nodded slowly, "Yes, unfortunately. Black Faen dust. The mark of a warrior who guards the borders of your worlds. I've never seen it cause nightmares before. Usually just death or insanity."

Summer frowned, "I can't repair your eye, warrior. Magic has costs."

"I know." The warrior replied, "I knew enough to track a person through realms. I am not inexperienced."

Summer cocked her head, "You're the mage that killed Trei, aren't you?"

"I didn't see him." She replied bitterly, looking down, "I didn't expect the idiot to intervene. I didn't even look before I tossed the fireball."

Summer laughed, "A mortal who can toss fireballs without focusing? You are unusual."

"I am." The mage replied, "I am the Queen Vastras, Fae. I am the most powerful magic user on this continent, apart from your kind."

Summer paused, considering the moment. This was delicate. "I apologise that I attacked you, but the creature that embedded itself in you was not sanctioned, your ladyship."

The mage shrugged, "You seemed as confused as I... Though I have never heard of a Fae as powerful as you protecting the borders. Were you sanctioned by the Council in your intervention?"

Summer grinned, "So you know of the Council, then. Interesting. No, I wasn't sanctioned, but I don't actually require their approval to protect my own realm."

The mage paused, "You rule a realm, then? Or are you something like an Arbiter?"

"I am Queen Summer." She replied coolly, "I lead the Council. I created my realm under the direction of Sumner, our creator."

The mage smiled slowly, "The Queen of Faekind, and the Queen of a city. I believe you win."

"I don't care about that." Summer replied, "I'd prefer peace between our peoples. Fae are... Isolationists, by nature. We'd prefer to never have to interact with your kind. If someone is attacking you... They are a threat to me."

Vastras smiled as she began bandaging her eye, "As they are to me. Why did you take Trei?"

"I... Resurrected him by accident." Summer replied bitterly.

Vastras stared at her, "I hardly understand, Queen Fae. Resurrection is a skill. Even with awe-inspiring power, it is a difficult task."

"No." Summer retorted, "It isn't. It's a skill for those who aren't overflowing with magic."

The mage spun up a simple spell, and flinched at the results, "How in the gods are you alive?"

Summer laughed, "I'll take that as a compliment. I was the first Fae to be created, if that helps you understand. My mere presence can cause... Problems. Its why I avoid the mortal realm. But, political tensions on my world made me seek out a fresh supply of coal in yours. I sneezed, and Trei came back to life."

The mage walked back and forth a moment, "Did you see visions at his resurrection?"

Summer stared, "Yes. How do you know that?"

"You imprinted on him." Vastras said bitterly, "That's why you're being possessive. Understandable."

"Speak." Summer growled angrily, and Vastras shrugged, "I've met and tortured Fae in the past. I know more of your worlds than I care to admit. I've even journeyed to one of your realms before, and spent three days there before I was detected. Your Arbiter was quite difficult to avoid, but he eventually forgot me."

Summer felt her thoughts reeling. "Why did you suspect that I imprinted? And how in the blazes did you escape Janus? The man is persistent."

"He also believes all mortals have a fixed lifespan." Vastras replied casually, "I suspected you imprinted, because I did. I was not aware that humans were capable of imprinting, until he brushed my hand whilst I was showing him how I wanted my dagger prepared for runic work. In doing so, a part of my soul became tangled with his. I felt his death, Queen Fae."

Summer felt her mouth go dry. If Trei had this effect on more than just her... This could cause havoc. War. And she'd left him alone with a female Fae.

"I need to return to Trei." Summer said quickly, "I left him in the care of another."

Vastras looked up at her, "That was unwise, Queen. I expect you to communicate with me, or I will invade your world. This situation is not resolved, nor forgiven."

Summer nodded, "You will hear from me shortly."

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