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Sarin stepped onto the broken ground.

She couldn't believe she had to do this. It was ridiculous. He was already giving up, forcing her to intervene. She thought he was better than that. After all the crap he'd been through she would have thought that he would realise that nothing was permanent, and that you could always change how things had turned out.


Trei looked up at her slowly in surprise, "Pink... You're a Fate. F'rir?"

"Oh, she's still dead." Sarin replied, "I haven't got around to resurrecting her. I did wake up Yio, though."

On cue her sister appeared, arms wrapped around his middle, and he went bright red as she whispered something in his ear. Sarin's eye twitched, "Yio. He's not yours. We've discussed this. Back off."

The fate stuck out her tongue, and then said something else to Trei. He swallowed nervously and then looked at her, "Why are you here? It's all over. Tyr won."

"He won because you're an idiot!" Sarin yelled, causing her sister to vanish and reappear behind her meekly. "For goodness sakes! Tyr won because you let him. Have you not figured it out yet, mortal? Are you still thinking of yourself as a freaking mortal?"

He glared at her, "Figure what out? Why will no one just tell me?"

"We have. Repeatedly." Sarin growled, "You. Are. A. Fate. Just like me. Just like Yio."

Trei sneered, "And you've lied to me before."

Sarin smiled slowly, "Small lies, maybe. Misleading truths, certainly. Part being a Fate, Trei, is self actualisation. What you believe about yourself becomes the truth. That's how you took the dead body of a Fae, and now you look human. Because you believe that's how you look. So no, just telling you isn't helpful. Because you believe certain things, they happen. That is dangerous in the hands of someone who has not been through hell. Has not been forced to understand what they believe."

Trei seemed to being processing things, "Wait... Mother?"

The burned woman next to him looked at him in surprise, "Yes?"

"When did you die?"

"Idiot!" Sarin shouted, "You believe she died now. You now believe you resurrected her. So time has been rewritten to accommodate you."

Trei sighed and looked over at her, "Then why did Tyr beat me? I hate him. I tried to kill him."

"Not hard enough." Sarin turned her nose up, "You pitied him, Trei. You let him off easy."

The fate sighed, "I've done what I came to do. Yio, this is your last chance."

Her sister went bright red for a moment, as if she were struggling to decide what to do. As if she hadn't already turned up naked to talk to the man once before. There was a flurry of air as she made up her mind and yanked up her skirt.

Sarin rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, taking both back home. "Really? Was that so fantastic?"

Yio stuck out her tongue, "You don't get it, Sarin. You've never felt for anyone. It didn't mean anything before I realised I didn't just want a fling. Being sexy is easy when you think you can sleep with them and move on."

She rolled her eyes and settled into her chair, "Do me a favour, don't get killed again any time soon. It's a pain to bring you back."

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