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The elf broke through the barrier quickly, the spear in her hand moving in a fluid motion and stopping just short of the Fae's throat.

He turned his cold black eyes towards her, and outstretched a hand, "If you kill me, elf, then I will be unable to stop the corruption I have begun."

She glared, flicking her eyes towards the indicated tree root.

A sense of horror swept through her, though she remain perfectly serene on the outside. The creature was not lying. The presence of death had begun, and would sweep through the entire tree, poisoning the realm and all magic within it. Black dust tumbled from the bark.

"Why have you done this, Fae?" She demanded, her hands steady on her weapon.

He smiled, those dead eyes peering somewhere beyond her, "Because it was necessary. You will find yourself quite unable to reverse it. The magic I have used is not magic your people possess an understanding of."

She pulled the spear back, "This is an act of war, Fae."

"I am not Fae." He shrugged, "Well, not really. You should know."

She knew. She could see it in his eyes, and his aura. This was a creature that was once Fae, but now he was something else. Not eternal, not mortal. Somewhere in-between, and out of shape. He did not belong to this timestream, and could not remain. He would be pulled back, back to the place between life and death.

"You are Tyr." She growled angrily, "How can I undo this?"

"I do not plan to aid you." He grinned, "This is my challenge, little elf. Let us see what you do."

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