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Luna felt like kicking herself. She really hadn't meant to get so angry at the idiot. He was just so... Mortal. Human. It just wasn't fair! Why did he have to go and be a clueless idiot when he... Was him.

She stared at her feet. That was the problem, wasn't it?

The door opened beside her, and Astrian spoke quietly, "I have sent him to bathe in the waterfall at the far end of the garden."

Luna nodded silently.

Astrian sighed heavily, "I need to know, m'lady."

"Yes." Luna growled, grinding her teeth, "And I have no idea why or how."

Astrian swallowed nervously, "And I, mistress."

Luna turned to her, eyes widening, "You? You of all people, Astrian? How does that work?"

The butler shrugged, "I am beyond my own understanding, m'lady. I do not understand how this has occurred, and I do not believe our extensive records include a single case alike to it. We are beyond the knowledge of the Fae, now. I fear that we tread upon dangerous territory."

Luna shrugged, "Summer resurrected him. She had him first. We'll just need to find a way to cope with that."

"I am to help bind his soul." Astrian replied, "I do not believe spending such large amounts of time with the mortal will be wise. I only have limited reserves of perseverance."

Luna turned and punched the wall lightly, causing the wood to ripple, "This isn't fair. It shouldn't be possible. I thought... Are the fates just screwing with us? Trying to hurt Faekind?"

Astrian shrugged, "Perhaps you can petition the Queen to speak to them."

Luna rolled her eyes, "As if she would. We'd have to tell her. And well... She's possessive."

Astrian nodded, "True, but I am afraid that I must inform her all the same. It is my duty."

Luna glared at her, but knew it was true. This was too big a secret to keep from Summer. Especially if he had this effect on all female Fae. Was that something that was possible? She winced at the thought openly, "We must contain this. The Garden must be sealed."

"The wedding." Astrian said slowly, "Containing it won't matter in two days. Half the realm will be in attendance, and most of the rest will be watching through magical means. Even if the effect can only happen in-person, it will be a crisis worthy of your title."

Luna nodded, wincing as she heard uneven footsteps. She turned, intending to glare pure hatred towards the man, but instead found herself barely containing a smile as she saw him, still drying his hair. Despite the burns and the start of rotting flesh, something inside her was triggering every happy emotion that her brain could handle.

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