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The one-eyed mage stumbled as the tunnel behind her sealed astonishingly quickly.

She sniffed the air, taking in her new location. It was strange. Pleasant. It was as if the realm itself was trying to drain the violent thoughts from her head, to force her into some kind of peaceful submission. The air stank of magic. A magic that was foreign to her. That was surprising.

A magic that she was familiar with formed behind her, and she spun, lifting her new blade to block the knife. The man standing there showed a brief look of surprise before he went to attack again. The mage sneered and he fell to his knees as a crystal on the necklace around her neck glowed. "Stored gravity."

The assassin winced, struggling to stay semi-upright, "You will not endanger the Lady."

"I will not." She replied, "I am here for personal reasons, not to kill whomever you may be protecting."

The man nodded, his black wings curling up as he tried to fight off the gravitational waterfall spilling out against him. The mage released the crystal, and he gasped, breathing easier.

She turned, looking at the small wooden house, "I wish to speak to Lady Summer. Is she available?"

"No." An angry voice came from above as a Fae lighted softly in front of her.

The mage bowed briefly, "Lady Luna."

The Fae shook her head in amazement, "How did you get here, mortal?"

"I am Queen Vastras."

Luna cocked a hip, placing a hand on it, "That's your name. Not an answer."

"It is both." The mage yawned, and then frowned, "He's... Not here, either. That's odd. I followed his soul here."

Luna winced, "Trei. You're the mortal who imprinted on him."

She nodded curtly, "Where is he? It doesn't make sense that I could follow him if he isn't."

"He's here." Luna spoke angrily, "But not. Apparently he's part Fate. And they decided to give him a body fitting it or something. He's... In between worlds?"

Vastras felt all levity vanish, and she rattled as she dragged out a dozen objects out of a pocket before putting them back, she looked at the Fae in annoyance, "We need to help him. It's urgent. I know of way, but it'll require... Something of value. To him. The idiotic terrible blacksmith. He didn't even have a favourite tool. Does he here?"

Luna winced, "Come inside, I guess."

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