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Vastras grabbed her face screaming as the spell rebounded, melting her face. She fell onto the ground, curling into a ball as she desperately tried to heal herself, trying to keep intact long enough to stay awake.

She felt a foot step on her ankle, snapping it.

The mage looked up in agony, and flinched at what saw. The ghoul was still there, but it wasn't. The skin and bone had broken away in parts, revealing a bright light beneath. She could see the shape and form there. She could one of those cruel blues eyes shining death and destruction down. See the madness there.

The Fae raised a hand, and Vastras stared in horror as the cave above vanished in a spray of dust and rock, revealing the outside sky. So much power. So much unrestrained power.

The half ghoul waved a hand and Vastras screamed as she felt her link to the crystals vanish as every single one of them shattered. The magic rebounded, turning stone to liquid and the air to poison.

Her city would be burning, collapsing. Dying.

The magic had been laced throughout, paved into the roads themselves. It would be a disaster up there. Everyone would be either dead, or unable to escape and soon to die. There was no other explanation. She'd sent the army away. There was no one to save them.

No one to save them from the wrath of this woman.


The first word she'd spoken since inhabiting the ghoul. Vastras looked in terror at the goddess inhabiting the dying flesh.


The cave floor began to melt, and Vastras scrambled, hunting for magic, any magic, she could use to get out of this alive. She was burning, melting. She could already feel the bones in her legs beginning to dissolve. The walls were melting. The ground overhead was beginning to cave, dislodging broken stone from where the palace above had been.


Vastras couldn't scream. She couldn't breathe. Her nerves were dying. She felt the darkness closing in around her as the undead creature moved upwards, carrying the unending rage of the goddess.

She could guess.

Trei was dead, the link was broken. No thought would exist inside that mind except vengeance.

Vastras had set out to save her people from the gods.

She'd just handed the death of mankind up on a silver platter.

There was nothing she could do.

She was already dead.

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