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He stumbled, feeling weak. It felt wrong, not having to yank on his body to make it move.

He looked up at the woman standing in front of him, and stared in shock, "Summer."

Her smile was small, distant. Not the woman who'd stolen a kiss right before disappearing to die. There was something... Harder about her. She looked around and nodded, "Figures. It took all of us to bring him back."

Trei sat down weakly before he fell over, and looked up, "You all came... For me? Why?"

A hand hit his shoulder weakly, and he looked over seeing Luna barely staying conscious, "Don't... Ask... Stupid... Questions."

Sofia sat down against his back, "If you make me abandon Calis again, I will rip out your heart myself."

Trei laughed, "Haven't you killed me enough?"

By the way her breathing changed he'd hit a spot that was a bit more sensitive than he'd expected. "Sorry."

Summer knelt down across from him, self-consciously smoothing her skirt and tucking her hair, "Trei. I shouldn't left you. I'm sorry."

He felt his anger swarm up for a moment, but took it twisted and pushed it aside, "You got me back. Let's call it even."

Astrian whispered from where she was lying beside the couch, "Back from where?"

Trei clenched his fists angrily, causing the bones to crack audibly, "Yio gave my soul to Janus."

He felt Sofia tense up, and saw a quiet rage enter Summer's eyes. The woman in front of him was different, terrifying. This was the monster than Janus was so terrified of that he wouldn't risk moving openly, even now that he was exposed. This was the woman willing to do whatever it takes.

This was the woman who had risked her life for his worthless soul.

He smiled, "I think our time is about up, isn't it, Summer?"

She blinked in surprise, "Seriously?"

Sofia coughed politely, "Hi. New person here. What are you talking about?"

Luna laughed weakly, "The wedding. Trei is suggesting they go ahead with the wedding of Lady Summer, and himself."

Sofia launched to her feet, "Over my dead body!"

Summer raised an eyebrow, "Do you think that option is undesirable to me, queen?"

Trei frowned, looking at the mage, "Queen. Vastras. Really?"

Sofia glanced down, embarrassed, "Eh... Yes."

"She's not human, Trei." Summer continued, enjoying riling up her rival, "Did you know that? She became something... Different... A long time ago. Couple thousand years by my reckoning."

Vastras looked embarrassed and sat down next to Trei, leaning on his shoulder, "To cut a very long and embarrassing story short, Trei... I stole some of Summer's magic one day and used it to... Become a sort of... Part-god?"

He looked at her deadpan, "Demigod. I got killed by a demigod."

Vastras cringed, "Can we not talk about that? And instead talk about you not being forced into a marriage?"

Trei shrugged, smiling over at Summer, "It isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to me."

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