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Luna sat quietly under the tree, watching Trei and Alphege fighting. The elf was amazing. She moved as fluidly and quickly as the wind, you couldn't tell where she ended and the spear in her hand began. She didn't run and jump. She danced. Her every motion was full of grace and consideration. Her every attack caused the air to ripple and crack from the impact.

She shook her head, grabbing a leaf from above her and feeding to the woman lying in her lap, "I can't believe Trei is keeping up with her."

Claven took the leaf, munching and snuggled into her some more, "I can't believe seeing him restored your bloody bond."

Luna looked down at her, "So long as you're touching me, ours is intact. This is just temporary. Besides, I'm not biased. Trei actually is keeping up with the damn Guardian of Alfheimr. For a guy who couldn't even walk when he got here, that's amazing."

Claven stuck out her tongue, clearly jealous of the attention. She couldn't blame her. It was just how it was with Fae. An imprint was an irrepressible desire. Having two at the same time was confusing as hell for Luna. She was jealous of herself. Angry that she liked them both. How dare she hold one above the other? Other nonsensical thoughts flowed like a river. It was a paradox. An imprint held that person as the centre of the universe. Holding two beliefs of that nature simultaneously was a dichotomy.

Astrian poked her in the arm, and Luna looked over at the Faeling in surprise, "You had fun at the waterfall?"

"No." Astrian growled angrily, shaking her head with frustration. She didn't have the language skills to say what she wanted to say. Luna held out a hand, "Do you want to show me something?"

Astrian nodded, but didn't take her hand.

Luna swallowed, "Are you trying to warn me? That this is going to be bad?"

The Faeling just nodded her head slowly, eyes wide.

Luna gritted her teeth and nodded, "Show me."

It barely took a moment after the Faeling touched her hand, and Luna shot to her feet, dislodging Claven, "Prepare yourselves!"

Alphege spun to look at her in confusion, and Trei paused, breathing hard and leaning on his knees.

Rendi materialised with a half dozen assassins, and Luna tossed dust into the air, spinning and tossing up warding spells by the dozen. As she did the air around them erupted into flames. The air itself sheared open into dozens of portals, and men and women in armour poured through, brandishing weapons and screaming war cries.


They were under attack.

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