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Yio stepped down onto the grass slowly, shrugging uncomfortably in her dress. She figured turning up naked wasn't the most appropriate way to handle things this time around. She hadn't return to the garden to flirt with a man who would be a god. No, this time she came to stop a woman who believed she was one already.

A sword was drawn, pointing at her.

Yio looked down it to the angry Fae face behind it, and smiled gently, "You raise a hand against the Fates, little child? I'm not here to interfere in your pathetic little war. I'm here to stop an angry petulant woman from killing a child. A child who has guided your people out of the dark so many times. She is the greatest prophet that you have ever had. She foresaw this. You here and now, before any of it began."

The Fae sneered angrily, and Yio yawned, "Your funeral."

The sword thrust towards her, stopping instantly as she placed the top of a finger in the way. She blew a kiss towards the Fae.

They were tossed backwards and out of sight by the blow.

She turned and moved towards the house slowly. The others moved aside. They all assumed she was stronger and tougher than any of them. Which was true, but it didn't mean she was absolutely free to use that strength. She could only pay back in equal amounts what someone tried to do to her. She also couldn't use strength that was beyond what her attacker could cope with.

The treaty had a lot of conditions to it, even if it did let her intervene at times like this.

She paused as the door to the house opened, and the brunette emerged. The woman reacted immediately as she saw the pink hair that marked Yio out. She knocked aside the hand easily, and slapped the woman.

Lady Ashwen glared at her, holding her reddened cheek, "What do you want?"

"Astrian." Yio sighed, "Her death is wrong. Even you should be able to see that. Murdering a child. You have so much bigger concerns right now than lashing out at a child."

Ashwen rolled her eyes, "She's hardly defenceless."

"Was." Yio snarled, "You murdered a child. Justifying by the violence of your petty war. You have no idea what you are doing, little Fae. Janus was working for my sister. Did you know that? His cause, was our cause. F'rir paid the price when a mortal murdered her."

Ashwen paused, uncertain, "Lies. It's always a lie with you, isn't it?"

In a way, it was. Yio never told the truth when a half-truth would do. It wasn't worth the hassle. Few creatures had the perspective required to understand the forces that she dealt with on a continual basis. Even just the barest basic, such as the illusion of time, was enough to drive lesser species like these out of their minds.

She reached for the door.

Yio grunted as the knife slammed between her ribs and into her lungs. An angry whisper entered her ear, "If you insult the Arbiter's memory again, I will go to war with the gods. Understood?"

The fate smiled weakly, and turned to Ashwen, "Damn you're an idiot. I did try and give you an out."

She fell backwards against the door, and slid to the ground, leaving a red stain behind her. Yio lay there, struggling to breathe. So it was this timeline then. She'd barely been resurrected and she was off to die again. She wondered if she'd be back. It depended which timeline this was. Whether this was the one where Trei had hope, and failed, or the other one.

She smiled as she drowned, looking up at the angry woman, "You're... Going... To... Regret... This... Forever."

Ashwen's boot slammed into her head.

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