★ | 197. clingy, haikyuu

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 197: Clingy, Haikyuu
Word Count: 1200

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 197: Clingy, HaikyuuWord Count: 1200

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"Hey, [name]? Can I ask you something?" Kageyama questioned with a serious tone.

The boy in question turned to look at him with raised eyebrows. They were hanging out at his place, playing video games and having a good time. He didn't know what happened to bring on this serious tone from the other boy. "Uh, sure. What's up?"

Kageyama pursed his lips and looked at the television, putting the game on pause. "It's just that, I've noticed that you keep going on your phone. Are you texting Yamaguchi?"

At the sound of his boyfriends name, [name] smiled brightly and a blush coated his cheeks. "Yeah. Sorry, is my texting bothering you?"

"It's not bothering me. I just notice that you can't do anything without him texting you or finding you. Don't you think he's a little bit clingy?" He asked. Yamaguchi was always around and the few times Kageyama got to hang out with his best friend alone, Yamaguchi would be texting him non stop. He thought it was starting to get out of hand.

"He's not clingy. He's just really into me." [name] shook his head. "And even so, we haven't been dating for that long. Isn't everyone clingy at the start to a relationship?"

Kageyama looked down at [name]'s phone that had once again lit up with a text. "Not like that." He said. "I'm not trying to upset you or anything. It's just annoying that I can't even hang out with you without your focus being on him. I feel like... you're always choosing him over me and we never hang out anymore."

[name] frowned at his words, feeling guilty that he had become one of those people who push their best friend aside when they get into a relationship. "I'm sorry, dude. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." He lifted up his phone. "Here. I'll turn it off. For the rest of the night. It's just you and me." He shut the phone down, throwing it to the side.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." Kageyama pat him on the shoulder and the two resumed the game they were playing.

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The night had been going well and [name] felt like he and Kageyama were good with each other again. It wasn't until there was a knock on the front door of his house that the two broke out of their conversation.

"Are you expecting someone?" Kageyama asked.

[name] furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "Not that I know of." He replied and stood up, walking out of his bedroom and approaching the front door. Once he reached it, he grabbed onto the handle and opened it, having not expected to see his boyfriend standing there. "Yamaguchi? What are you doing here?"

"I was worried. You weren't answering any of my texts." Yamaguchi replied, leaning forward and hugging him tightly. "You always respond."

"I turned my phone off. I didn't think not replying would worry you so much. Sorry." He apologised.

Yamaguchi pulled back with a smile. "That's okay. I'm here now. That just means we can spend the night together!" He exclaimed with excitement and walked around his boyfriend into the house.

"Oh, um, Kageyama is here. We're supposed to be having a best friend night." [name] said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He didn't want to kick Yamaguchi out but he also didn't want to upset Kageyama either.

"I'm sure he won't mind me staying." Yamaguchi shrugged, not seeing how uncomfortable [name] was and made his way to the bedroom.

[name] rushed after him, entering the bedroom to see Yamaguchi greeting Kageyama and Kageyama looking between them with a glare on his face. "Seriously? Why are you here?" He snapped at the other volleyball player.

Yamaguchi was surprised by the tone, flinching back at the harshness. "Um, I just wanted to see [name] and I was going to spend the night. Is that a problem?"

It didn't seem Kageyama was going to hold himself back as he threw the controller to the side and stood up. "Yes! It is a problem! Can't just just give [name] one night without you or is that to much of a problem? You're always around him and you're so fucking clingy! Don't you have any of your own friends you can hang out with and stop annoying us?!"

"Kageyama!" [name] shouted when he finished. "I know you're mad but there is no need to talk to him like that!"

"Of course you're on his side! You always are!" Kageyama snatched his jacket up from the bed, shoving his arms through the holes. "I'm going home. I'm not going to be here if he's here." He shoved past them both and stomped out of the house.

Yamaguchi had tears in his eyes as he stood in the corner of the room, opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say.

[name] fell back onto the bed and put his head in his hands, groaning in frustration. This was not how he wanted his night to go. The bed dipped down next to him and he looked out of the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry, Yamaguchi. He's just frustrated."

Yamaguchi shook his head, putting his hands into his lap. "D - Do you think I'm to clingy?"

"Of course not. I love spending my time with you." [name] grabbed onto the hands in his lap. "Don't let what he said upset you, okay? I don't feel that way."

He explained why Kageyama was upset and Yamaguchi had a look of guilt on his face. "I ruined your guys night." He whispered.

"No, don't think that way. You didn't know that's how he felt." [name] smiled at him tiredly and stood up. "I'm going to go have a shower." He walked away and into the bathroom with his head hung low.

Yamaguchi watched him walk away.

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When school time came around, Yamaguchi found himself standing outside the boys bathroom. He had seen Kageyama go in and he was waiting for him to come out. It wasn't long before the black haired boy came out and he stood in front of him, blocking his path.

"I'm sorry about the other night!" He yelled right away. "[name] told me everything and if I had known that was how you felt before, I wouldn't have come over." Kageyama crossed his arms, looking at him up and down. "I don't want you and [name] to stop being friends because of me. Please don't be mad at him when I'm the one you should be mad at."

"It doesn't matter what you say." Kageyama said stubbornly.

"Please, Kageyama. I promise, I won't interrupt again. [name]'s been really upset since that night and I know he doesn't want to lose you."

Kageyama huffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Whatever. I'll talk to him again. As long as you keep your word." He said.

Yamaguchi nodded his head wildly. "I will! I promise!"

Kageyama nodded his head and walked around him, wanting to get as far away from the person who stole the guy he was in love with.

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Authors Note: See below!

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