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The bouncer opens the door and smiles "Belle?" I wave and smile "hey James."

He shrugs and moves aside for me "I didn't know you was on VIP?" I shrug and hold up my notebook "Alisha wanted me to cover since Chloe and Laycie are off." He smiles and nods "ok well you have a good night and let me know if anyone bothers you?" I nod agreeing and walk in "I will do."

I look around all the different closed off booths "so this is VIP?" I see a stripper pole right in the middle of the dance floor with a girl I've never seen before dancing on it "wow."

I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "I got this."

I walk towards one of the booths and smile "what can I get you?" I look them all and realise it was the boys that came in with the hot boy "2 bottles champagne please."

I nod agreeing and write it down "anything else?" One of the men look at me and smirk "and just keep them coming."

I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

I turn around and bump into someone knocking my balance "wow!" I feel them catch me just before I hit it ground "I got you."

They bring me up and I see the hot boy with the polo "hot you." I laugh nervously and shake my head "thank you."

I blush and nod agreeing "I meant thank you." I bow my head at him before walking away.

As I walk away I laugh nervously 'did I really just do this?' James sniggers as he opens the door "not a word!"

He shrugs and smiles "I wasn't going to say anything." I nod agreeing and walk towards the bar "good!"

I grab the bottles of champagne and smile at Alisha "how is it?" I laugh nervously as I grab a bucket with ice "I fell."

She smirks and rolls her eyes "did they see?" I shake my head and walk back towards VIP "even worse, I fell into one of them."

She shakes her head and smiles softly "only you."

I place the bottles into the bucket and continue walking towards VIP. "Try not fall this time?"

I roll my eyes as James holds the door open for me "can't promise anything."

I serve more booths and as I walk towards a booth with 4 girls all dressed up I notice them all giggling and blushing "can I get yous anything else?"

I feel someone tap me from behind "miss?" I turn around and see the hot boy.

I smile nervously and nod "yes?" He looks at the girls behind me "sorry girls but can I steal her for a second?"

They all giggle and nod agreeing without saying a word "thank you."

He walks back towards his booth and hands me a gold card "can you get us shots?" I look at the girls who are still looking at him "what?" I look back at the boy and nod agreeing "of course."

I smile and take my card "let me just see what these girls wanted."

I turn around and see Amy serving them "never mind." I look back at the boy and smile "I will get them for you now."

He winks at me before sitting back down "perfect."

As I walk towards the bar I scoff "who does he think he is?" James looks over and shrugs "what one?" I look over and smile "the one in the navy polo."

He laughs sarcastically and shakes his head "your joking, right?" I shake my head and smile intrigued "no? Who he is?"

He smiles and looks back at her "he is..."

Alisha runs over before he could finish and looks worried "I need your help!" She looks at me and nods "come with me."

I nod agreeing and smile "I will be back to hear the rest." He smirks and nods "watch the news and you will know."

I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "he's a criminal?" Alisha looks at me and waves "Belle?!" I nod agreeing at her and wave towards James "I should go."

I follow her towards the back and see bottles of alcohol smashed all over the floor "what happened?"

She paces the floor and laughs nervously "I dropped them."

She points towards them and shakes her head "a full case!" She looks at me and takes a deep breath "that is at least $40,000 lying there!"

I nod agreeing and take her hands "I will clean it up and we can think of a solution after my shift."

I look towards my watch and smile "It is 3.30 now so I will close up in half an hour and come find you?" She nods firmly and takes a deep breath "thank you."

I smile and hand her a bottle of whiskey "now go in the back room and chill out." I hand her $100 and smile "bottle is on me."

She gives me it back and grabs a glass "you know fine well these bottles are not even $20 each."

She holds the bottle up and nods walks away "I am going to cry into this bottle!"

I look at the broken glass everywhere on the floor before taking a deep breath "clean this then shots for Mr newsman."

I stick the broken glass into the glass bin and head back into the bar.

"Belle?" I look over towards Natalie and smile "yeah?" She takes a deep breath and shakes her head as she walks towards me "where have you been?"

I laugh nervously and nod towards the back door "I was doing a favour for Alisha?"

She looks towards the door and smiles "someone was looking for you." I look over and see the boy with the polo shirt "why?" She shrugs and grabs her bag "not sure but I should go."

She walks towards the door and smiles "Jordan is giving me a lift home." I wave and smile "call you tomorrow?" She nods and blows me a kiss "bye."

I look around the empty bar and smile "finally closing time."

I turn the lights on and begin cleaning behind the bar as the bouncers start telling everyone to start leaving.

"That is everyone Belle." I look up and smile at the other bouncer "ok, thank you James."

He walks around the club once more before leaving "bye!" I wave and smile at him as he leaves "bye!"

I walk towards the door and lock it "finally!" I grab a lemonade and walk towards the back room where Alisha is.

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