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Once we take the bed apart I stick it in the living room and cover the rest of my furniture with a protected sheet "what time is it?" I look at my clock and smile "the club should be open now."

I walk towards my house phone and pick it up "I should ask if anyone wants any this stuff before I look at charity stores."

I dial the clubs number and Natalie answers "hey girl!" I smile and look at the boxes on the living room floor "does anyone need anything?" I see Lucky sniffing his new bed "like what?"

I walk towards the boxes and shrug "anything you can think off that goes in the house? I got all new stuff so I'm donating my old stuff?" She laughs and scoffs "I will ask them."

After a few minutes I hear a door open "does anyone need anything for their house?!" I hear Amy in the background "me!" I nod agreeing and write on my notebook Amy's address "tell Amy to text me what she needs and I will get it sent over."

I close my notebook and walk back into my bedroom "I will do." I nod agreeing and smile "ok, thanks Natalie."

I look at Lucky licking Nicks face and he laughs "your dog is the best!" I smile and nod agreeing "I know."

I grab my mobile phone and smile "who is that?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "no one?"

I walk back into the living room and hear Natalie laugh "no one my ass!" I smirk and look at my phone "tell Amy I got her text and will get everything sent over ASAP." I reply to her and write down on my notebook what she wants "bye!"

I hang up before she can reply and take a deep breath "that was close."

Nick smirks as he leans against my bedroom door "what was?" I shake my head and walk back into the bedroom "nothing."

I do my hair in a bun and pick up the roller and paint "are we doing this or what?" He nods and smiles "I will come help when I'm finished?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

He walks back into the bathroom and I take a deep breath and stroke Lucky's head "you go lay down before you get covered in paint."

He walks into the living room and lays on his new bed instantly falling asleep. I open the paint tub and begin painting.

After half an hour Nick comes in covered in paint "you don't happen to have a spare top do you?" I smile and nod agreeing "yeah."

I grab an old oversized jumper and hand him up "thank you."

I start painting again but stop when he takes his top off "wow!" He smirks and shrugs "like what you see?" I shrug and point towards the scar on his chest "and what exactly is it I'm seeing?" He scoffs and quickly sticks the jumper on "boys being boys." I raise my eyebrow and hand him a clean roller "hate to see the other guy than." He smirks and stands beside me and starts painting the high walls.

He accidently gets paint on me and shrugs "oops?" I give him a growl and shake my head "maybe not stand right above me?" He nods and moves left a few inch "right."

I smirk and nod agreeing "that was left." He raises his eyebrow and pretends to fling the paint over me but manages to get himself instead. I laugh and look towards the door when the boys come in "that is us done."

Nick nods and smiles "thank you." The boys wave and walk out the front door closing the door behind them.

I look at the window and and shrug "how are they getting back?" He shrugs and smiles "taxi I guess?" I roll my eyes and look out the window as they all stand on the pavement "I will give them a lift."

Nick shakes his head and stands in front of the bedroom door "what?"

I nod agreeing and look into the living room at all the furniture "it's the least I can do?" He takes a deep breath "ok but I'm coming with you."

I shake my head and look at the room "you finish this and I will come back and help when I drop them off." He stutters and nods "fine!"

He hands me his phone "text me when you get there and on the way back." I nod agreeing and stick my number in "ok."

I hand him his phone back and grab my phone and car keys "be a good boy!" Nick smiles at Lucky and nods "I'm sure he will be." I smirk and wink at him "I meant you."

I close the door behind me and run towards the men still waiting on the pavement "need a lift back?" They all look at me confused "sure?" I smile and nod towards my car "get in then?" I open my car door and they all get in.

The first few minutes' drive back to the mall was awkward silence before I broke the ice "so how do yous know Nick?"

They all avoid eye contact and I shrug "ok?" I smile and look at them "so do yous all work at the mall?" They all nod agreeing and smile "do yous usually help people take stuff home and unpack it?" The one in the passenger side shakes his head "it's just a side job that we do for Nick when he asks."

I smile and nod agreeing "and your manager doesn't mind you just leaving to help Nick?" He shakes his head and smiles "Nick is our boss?" I smile nervously and shake my head "I meant your manager at the mall?"

My phone rings as we pull up outside the mall "thank you." They all quickly get out "no, thank you!" I wave at them and smile but they all close the door and quickly head into the mall without saying another word or even looking at me.

I park up properly and answer my phone "hello?" I stick the phone on speaker as I try get out "where are you?" I roll my eyes and smile "I just got here. I'm coming back now." I manage to get out and drive down the street "see you soon." I hang up and drive home.

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