
36 1 0

I finish doing my lipstick when I hear the front door open "Belle?!" I smile and look at the door "in here!"

Natalie walks in and wolf whistles "wow!" I roll my eyes and stand up fixing my 2-piece dress "shut up!"

She smirks and looks me up and down "If I knew you was wearing something so glam then I would have done the same." I shrug and point towards the 4 dresses on my bed "help yourself."

She grins and picks one up "don't mind if I do." She starts getting undressed "I am just going to make sure Lucky has water." She nods and smiles as she keeps changing.

I walk towards Lucky sleeping in his bed "see you after work." I kiss his head and smile "be good." He licks my arm and lays his head back down and falls back asleep.

I stand up and grab my keys and bag "ready?" She nods and walks towards me "wow!" I look her up and down "it looks better on you than me." She rolls her eyes and grabs her jacket "let's go."

I grab my shoes and stick them on before following her out the door. "Are you really wearing trainers?" I nod agreeing and smile "I have heels in my locker still for later on but I can't wear heels for 12 minutes never mind hours." She smiles and opens the car door "true."

We get to the club as it is still getting set up "Alisha?!" I look around at the balloons being took into VIP "yeah?" Alisha pops her up head from the bar "are we having a party?" She nods and walks towards us "a very important party at 10." She looks me up and down and smirks "you look cute." I scoff and roll my eyes "I always look cute?" She nods and smiles "of course."

I walk towards the back door and she follows "so have you thought of a way to replace they bottles you smashed?" She takes a deep breath and sits down "not yet."

I stick my things in my locker and smile "well I'm sure something will come up." I smirk and close my locker "let's get this place perfect for thus Important party then."

I walk behind the bar and start setting the glasses and bottles up "wonder whose party it is." I look at Natalie and shrug "anyone with a bundle of money is important to Alisha so it could be anyone."

I smile and start the till up "maybe it is the hottie from last night?" I roll my eyes and scoff "I don't think we will see him again." She shrugs and grabs a box of the fancy decorations "here." She hands me a box and nods "let's get this set up before we open."

I follow her towards the VIP section and start setting the tables up. I look at the dancing pole and smile as Natalie grabs onto it "think Alisha will let me work on this?" she spins around and but falls and laughs "not with moves like that." She gets off and scoffs "let's see you do better then?" I smile and look around "ok."

I walk towards the pole and start dancing on it like I was a professional "how do you know how to do that?" I smile and step aside from it "I used to dance." She raises her eyebrow and smiles "like a stripper?" I roll my eyes and shove her "as a kid?" She smirks and looks towards the entrance "I'm not the only one who liked it." I look over and see the boy from last night standing at the door. I look back at Natalie and smirk "back to work."

I walk towards the table and pick up the box "so much for never seeing him again?" I look back over and see him speaking to a women before kissing her cheek and running off out the door "he has another girlfriend?!" I laugh nervously and walk towards the door "it's not our business."

She rolls her eyes and follows me "the way he looked at you on that pole makes me think you will be next." I scoff and stick the box back under in the back "no thank you."

I grab the staff whiskey and take some "we are opening, let's go." I stick the whiskey back and she shrugs before following me out.

"I'm just saying if a boy looked at me like that." I open the door and look towards the exit "I'm not interested in him."

I look over and see Jason "not interested in who Beasty?" I smirk and look at my clock "right on time." He shrugs and holds up his card "like always."

I take his card and hand him a beer "so who is looking at our belle?" Natalie smirks and walks past me "some hottie." I scoff and shake my head "we aren't speaking about this." I look towards the door and smirk "we have customers coming."

Jason looks around and nods "we will talk about it later." Natalie winks at him and nods "can't wait." He stands up and walks towards his usual spot in the corner.

A few hours pass and the place starts getting busy "Belle?" I look over and see Alisha walking towards me "yeah?" She hands me a notebook and smiles "can you do VIP?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

I look at the clock and shake my head "is the party on?" She nods and walks behind the till taking my place "they are important customers so big tips." I smile and nod agreeing "I know the drill."

I walk towards the VIP section and see a new bouncer "where is James?" He shrugs and looks me up and down "have you got an invitation?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "no?" I open my mouth to tell him I work here but the hot boy taps the door and nods at the bouncer "you may go in." I raise my eyebrow and scoff "thank you?" He opens the door and I walk inside.

"hi." I look at the boy and smile "can I get yous anything?" He looks behind him at his friends "shots?" I smile and nod agreeing "anything else?" He shakes his head still smiling "that is all for now thanks." I nod agreeing and walk back towards the door

"wait!" Someone taps my shoulder and looks around "you want me to take that and get everyone's orders?" I look at the notebook in my hand "no that's ok, it gives me something to do." He shrugs and smirks "you sure?" I nod agreeing and smile "I'm sure."

He opens the door for me and smiles "ok." I nod agreeing and smile nervously "thank you." I walk out the door and towards the bar.

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