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After food Nick picks up his phone "how did you get here?" I show him my car keys and shrug "drove, why?"

He nods and hands me his phone "write down your address then or I can just follow you? Do you need anything else or are you ready to leave?"

I look around the mall and nod agreeing "I need to go pet store then that is me." He nods and sticks his phone back "I will just follow you then?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

I stand up and smile "are you wanting to come with me or do you need to do something first?" He shakes his head and stands up "I will come with you."

I nod agreeing and walk towards the pet store and he follows me.

We enter the pet store and I grab a trolley "so what kind of animal do you have?" I pick up the large soft dog bed and smile "dog." He helps me stick it in the trolley "thank you."

I walk towards the toys and pick up a few "basket?" I raise my eyebrow and scoff "what?" He holds up a basket with the words 'dog toys' on it.

I nod agreeing and smile "get the largest one there is." I pick up more toys and place them in the basket "my boy deserves the best."

He sticks the basket in the trolley and picks up a packet of treats "then he deserves these." I nod agreeing and he places them in the trolley "what else?"

I walk towards the back-yard stuff and point at the large doghouse "this one." He nod agreeing and lifts it down "god this is heavy."

He looks around and calls someone over "can I get a trolley for this?" The boy nods nervously and runs off "next thing."

I take a deep breath and look around the back-yard stuff and pick up some back-yard toys and furniture for him.

I spot doggy doors and nod agreeing "I should really get him a doggy door." I laugh nervously and shake my head "but after last night maybe not."

The boy comes back over with a cart "thank you."

He nods before running away again "why? What happened last night?" I shake my head and scoff "just some sketchy people around my neighbourhood."

I look at the doggy doors and nod agreeing "this one locks from the outside?" I shake my head and look at the others "but then he would be locked out."

I look at the others and smile "this one is camera operated." I look at my phone and nod agreeing "I'm not sure how Alisha would feel about me using my phone at work though." Nick rolls his eyes and smirks picking it up "I'm sure she will understand."

He sticks it in my trolley and shrugs "even though I'm sure she is a cat person?" He shrugs and smiles "anything else?" I look at my trolley and shake my head "that is all."

We check out and he nods towards the staff car park "want me to take this?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "I should be ok with this."

He nods and takes the doghouse "at least let me take this?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

He waves and smiles "I will follow you home." I wave at him as he walks away "ok."

I walk towards the customer car park and stick my stuff in the car before driving out the car park.

I park onto the street and hear beeping "Belle!" I look over and see Nick in a large van "lead the way!" I wave and nod agreeing "ok!"

I drive towards my house and Nick follows me closely all the way.

When I pull up I see Lucky at the window barking and waging his tail "hey boy!"

I wave at him and smile as I wait for Nick trying to park his large van "so this is home?" He gets out the van and I nod agreeing "so this is home."

He smiles and looks around "the neighbourhood doesn't look that bad?" I shrug and laugh nervously as I lift my stuff out my car "you will be surprised with what happens around here."

He opens the side off his van and 3 men get out "ok boys!" He nods at them and points towards the stuff in the back of his van "let's get this stuff inside."

I raise my eyebrows and scoff "where did they come from?" He picks up the doghouse from the passenger side and shrugs "it's all part of the service?" I roll my eyes and open my front door.

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