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Ryland smirks and shrugs "so where did you get Lucky?" I look at Ryland and smirk "are we really going to do small talk right now?" He shrugs and smirks "yeah?"

I nod agreeing and smile "ok, 20 questions?" He nods and smiles "how do I know you won't run off and sell my story to the paper or the police?" I shrug and look out the window "you don't."

He nods firmly and scoffs "ok, 20 questions it is."

I look at him still smiling "I found him in an old shoe box when he was a few days old."

He raises his eyebrows and looks at me "and you have had him ever since?" I nod agreeing and look at Lucky "yip."

I shrug and lean back "now my question."

He nods and laughs nervously "shoot."

The whole way to his we ask 20 questions and it comes to my final question as we pull up "so let me get this straight."

I hold my hand out and start counting with my fingers as I answer his answers "you and your family are all in the mafia?" He nods and I hold one finger out "you have 2 brothers and one sister?" He smiles and nods "but we don't speak to." I nod agreeing and hold another finger out "but you don't speak to your older brother Thomas because he shot your dad?" He nods and smiles "correct."

I look at the large house in front of me "and I'm guessing this is the house you share with Nick and your sister Melissa?" He nods and smiles "and our two rabbits." I smile and nod agreeing "of course, can't forget the rabbits."

I look at the house and smile "your favourite colour is red and your favourite food is your grandpa's meatball pasta?" He nods and smiles "and the final question?" I take a deep breath and look at all the guards around the house "have you ever killed anyone?" His face drops like he saw a ghost and without him even having to answer I already knew the answer.

He stutters and nods "yes, once." I shake my head and look as Ryland's car finally pulls up "I don't need to know the rest."

I get out the car and grab Lucky "let's go boy."

I walk towards Rylands car and smile "wow!"

Natalie looks at the large house "what took yous so long?" Nick gets out and holds up a burger bag "we stopped for food."

Ryland grabs my bags and nods "ready?" I nod agreeing and smile "as I ever will be."

He walks towards the house and Natalie wraps her arm around mine and smiles "let's go."

We follow Ryland inside and the inside is more beautiful than out "wow!"

Me and Natalie smile as we say it at the same time "make yourself at home."

He points towards a door and smiles "I'm just going to say hello to grandpa and get him to contact the tech wizard then I will show yous to your rooms?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok." 

He walks away and Lucky runs off towards the stairs "Lucky, no!"

I run after him but he runs into a room and I hear a loud crash "please don't have broken something already."

I walk into the room and see a girl with beautiful long brown shiny hair on the floor with water all over her "I am so sorry!"

I walk towards her and pull Lucky away from licking the water from her face "who are you and who is this?!"

I laugh nervously and look behind me towards Nick "we are friends of Nick and Ryland?"

She stands up and scoffs "Ryland and Nick don't have friends? Only paid people." She scoffs and looks me up and down "so is he paying you?" I raise my eyebrow and scoff "excuse me?"

Nick laughs nervously and runs over "be nice Melissa? These are Belle and Natalie, our new guests for the next few days."
She scoffs and shakes her head picking up the empty jug "whatever!"

She storms off and Nick laughs nervously "she is having one of the days." I smile and nod agreeing "charming."

He nods and walks towards the stairs "let me show yous too your rooms."

I nod agreeing and wrap my arm around Natalie "I can't believe she thought we was hookers?"

I scoff and look back at her "Ryland made her out to be such a nice girl? Maybe she is just having one of the days." Natalie smiles and shakes her head "I'm sure she will be fine when she gets to know our amazing personality?" I smile and nod agreeing "I'm sure she will."
Nick opens a door and smiles "this will be your room Natalie."

Natalie looks confused and raises her eyebrow "we won't be sharing?" Nick laughs nervously and runs his hand through his hair "well that kiss was nice but I thought you would want your own space?"

Natalie's face drops and I smirk "kiss?" Natalie puts her hand over her face "I meant I thought me and BELLE would be sharing?" Nick laughs nervously and blushes "oh right."

He shakes his head and opens the room across from hers "she will be in here."

He winks at me and nods "she has the view into the back yard where Ryland specifically does his workouts." I roll my eyes and walk into the bedroom.

"Wow!" I smile at the bed "this bed is so much bigger than mine!"

I run towards it and jump onto it "I need this for when we move!" Nick smiles and nods "glad you like."

He walks into the room with my stuff "I will let yous get settled and get some rest but text us when yous are hungry and our chef will cook yous something?" I nod agreeing and smile "thanks Nick." He shrugs and smiles nervously "anytime."

He waves as he walks back down the hallway and down the stairs. I look at Natalie and smirk "so your room or mine for the gossip?" She smirks and puts Meow down "yours."

She sits on my bed and smiles "so what did you and Ryland speak about?" I shake my head and smirk "we asked 20 questions."

I nod agreeing at her and smile "so you and Nick kissed?" She blushes and nods "we did."

I shrug and lean back holding onto the pillow "so what about David?" She shrugs and lays back "he is nice and sweet but he doesn't give me excitement that Nick does?" I smile softly and nod agreeing "what about his lifestyle though? The whole reason you left Todd was because he was in a gang never mind mafia." She raises her eyebrow and looks around the room "what?"

I nod agreeing and smile "he told me how him and his full family are mafia. He didn't say what they done or nothing but I have a rough idea." She shakes head and scoffs "why me?" I smile and hold her hand "the bad boys attract you and that is ok."

She scoffs and shakes her head "so what about you and Ryland? The first boy you have EVER liked and he turns out to be a major criminal?" I laugh nervously and nod agreeing "I know."

We both lie down and take a deep breath "what have we got ourselves into?" I shrug and smile "I don't know but is it bad that I like him more?" Natalie smiles and shakes her head "he is hot." I nod and blush "is he isn't he?"

I turn the light on and turn the main light off "sleep in here tonight?" Natalie nods and smiles "happily."

We get under the covers and I squeeze her hand "goodnight." She squeezes mine back and smirks "night."

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