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We head inside the house and Luca locks the back door behind us.

"How do the ferrets get in?" He smirks and points towards a tube at the side of the treehouse "they have a direct tunnel."

I shake my head and smile "of course they do."

I turn the kitchen light on and smirk "oh so they do work?"

Luca rolls his eyes and walks towards the fridge "water?" I nod and smile "yes please."

He hands me a bottle of water and walks into the living room "so what exactly did you want to know?"

I take a deep breath and shake my head "I don't know really."

I look towards the water and shrug "after Ryland told me that our parents died together and he told me about his family history I just wanted to see if there was something more to it?"

Luca laughs nervously and sips his water "he told you about all that?" I raise my eyebrow and smile nervously "about what?"

Luca rolls his eyes and lifts the coffee table up "this." I see guns and bullets all laid out hidden in the table "wow!"

He closes it and nods agreeing "your parents agreed to keep it from you and Roman until yous were both 18 but I guess they didn't get the chance and I didn't want to be the one to bring yous into that lifestyle."

I look at the coffee table and shake my head "so our parents were involved?!"

He laughs nervously and leans back "so what exactly did this Ryland tell you?" he sips his coffee and tries avoid eye contact with me "about his family? He didn't say anything about mine because he didn't know who I was?"

I shake my head and take a deep breath "at least I don't think he did at first?" I fling my head back and sigh "this is all messed up!"

Luca giggles and shakes his head "you fell for him again didn't you?" I raise my eyebrow and laugh nervously "again?!"

He smirks and grabs a photo book from the shelf "you and Ryland were joined at the hip as kids and yous even pretended to get married?" I look at the photos of me and Ryland as kids at a fake wedding kissing.

"I remember this? He got hurt really bad trying to get me flowers from old Mr Henderson's rose garden and I swore that I would love him forever and that we should get married." I smile and go through the other pages "I forgot about this."

He smirks and leans back "yous two were the best duo act I ever saw."

I smile and shake my head "we was just kids."

He shrugs and points towards a pink princess box on the shelf "you got two of them boxes for your 7th birthday and you hid the other one in your room and no one could ever find it?" I shake my head and smile "I know where it is!"

I run upstairs and into my old room "what?" I smile and nod "it's a secret?" He holds his hands up and walks back out the room "sorry!"

He closes the door behind him and I smile at my closet and open the door.

I go into my hiding spot and grab the other box "got it!"

I walk towards the door and Luca smiles "I will give you and your box a few minutes."

I walk towards my bed and sit on it.

I open the box and pull out of the old photos of me and Ryland I kept "wow!"

I shake my head and look at him "you have changed!"

I smile and place them to the side and take out the notes and start reading them "my darling Isabelle, I hope one day we can get married for real because I luv you SO SO SO much!" I smirk and place the note aside and read the next ones.

I get to the last note and see it opened "ok?" I shake my head confused and read it.

"Dear my Isabelle, sorry I broke your arm today but the flowers hiding under our secret place in the tree house will hopefully cheer you up? Love Ryland xxxx. P.S I have already ate the chocolates so it's just an empty box!" I scoff and shake my head as I place them all back into the box.

I run out the bedroom and Luca smiles as he holds a pillow and cover "everything ok?!" I nod and smile "just got to check something!"

I downstairs and towards the back yard. I climb up the tree house and look at the ceiling and smile when I see the initials R&B.

I walk towards the floorboard and pull it up and see dead flowers and empty chocolates "good job you eat them."

I smile and grab the note inside "love you forever my smell Belle."

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