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We spend the rest of the afternoon on the farm feeding the animals and helping out around the farm with Monty.

Ryland heads inside for the tractor and Monty smiles at me and shakes his head "so how did you and Ryland meet?" I feed the chickens and smile softly "he came into my work one night and he wouldn't leave I guess."

He grins and nods towards him as he comes out on a tractor "it's nice seeing him smile and laugh again after what happened."

He looks at me and shrugs "you bring out the happy side of him and I will be thankful for that."

I look at Ryland and smile as he drives the tractor across the long grass smiling at me "it's hard not to smile around him."

I shake my head and laugh nervously "I should go check that the lambs have not eat Lucky." He smiles softly and nods firmly "ok."

I walk into the barn and take a deep breath "what am I doing?"

I walk towards Lucky and see him sleeping in the middle of the lambs. I smile softly and walk towards him and stroke his head "good boy."

I walk towards the door when I hear a beeping noise "Belle?" I smile softly and turn around "yeah?" Ryland runs towards me and smiles "come out and see."

He takes my hand and I follow him outside "what?" He takes me onto the tractor and looks towards Monty and sticks his thumb up "look." He holds my hand and kisses my head.

I look around and see fireworks appear the from the back of the farm "wow!" I jump in fright and he squeezes my hand and I feel safe instantly.

I lean back resting my head on his shoulder and we sit and watch the fireworks.

The fireworks stop after a few minutes and I smile "you done all that for me?" He nods and smiles "Natalie told me how you love baby animals and fireworks so I wanted to bring you here to cheer you up?"

I look into his eyes as the sun hits them making his face shine "thank you." He smirks and in that moment I feel myself fall.

I blush and quickly look away but he places his hand on my cheek and turns my face around "can I kiss you?" I laugh nervously and nod firmly "since you asked so nice."

He grins and leans in and we kiss. In that moment I felt something I have never felt before. I knew he was special to me and I didn't want him to leave my life, he put my happiness first and planned this full day for me.

I cuddle into him and smile "I could just stay here all day." He kisses my head and laughs softly "unfortunately we can't and we do need to go back."

I stand up and he smirks "on the plus side you and Natalie can go see the houses?" I smirk and nod "true."

We head back inside the barn and he hands me the car keys "I will meet yous in the car?" I nod nervously and smile "ok?" He kisses me and runs off towards the house at the back.

I take a deep breath and look at Lucky "come on boy!" He gets up and runs towards me.

I look over and see all the lambs get up and run after him "sorry but I can't take yous with me." I stroke their heads and they all make noises. I smile at Lucky and nod towards the car "let's go!"

I run towards the car and quickly open the back door and close it after he gets in.

I see the lambs run towards the car so I get into the passenger side and close the door behind me "well aren't you popular."

Lucky looks out the window wagging his tails as the lambs get beside the car. I stroke his head and smile "will we go house hunting?" He licks my hand and barks "take that as a yes."

I look towards the barn and see Ryland run towards me "ready?" He opens the car door and I nod "what about the lambs?" He nods towards the barn and I see Monty holding a whistle.

As he blows into it all the lambs run towards him and he smirks "done." He starts the car and drives back out the field and towards his house.

The way home he holds my hand the full way and I can't help but grin like a Cheshire Cat.

We pull up outside and Ryland kisses my hand "I have some work to take care off so I need to get off but I will see you later tonight and you can tell me all about the house hunting?" I smile and nod "ok."

I open my door and get Lucky from the back "bye." He waves and smiles "bye."

I close the doors and head inside. Nick opens the door as I get to it and smiles "about time."

He waves at Ryland as he drives off and opens the door wide for me "go get changed. We are leaving for house hunting in an hour."

I look at Natalie coming down the stairs "ok."

I walk towards her and smirk "what have you been doing?" I look at Nick smiling at her "what have you been doing more like?" She blushes and wraps her arm around me "let's get you washed and we can talk? You smell like a farm."

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