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The next few hours I lay on my bed wide awake not being able to think about anything else.

Even after seeing all the news articles about him being a drug dealer and his family are mafia and involved in so much crime, all I could think about was his lips on mine.

I shake my head and sit up "I need air!"

I take a deep breath and stick my jumper on before walking out the bedroom "Lucky?" Lucky pops his head up and I smile "walkies?" He jumps off the sofa and I grab his lead and smile as I place it on him "good boy."

I open the front door and walk out softly closing the door behind me.

I get to the field at the back of the park around the corner from my house and let him off the lead "go!"

I watch as he runs around crazy. I walk towards him and after a few steps I hit my leg against something "ouch!"

It hurts so much and I feel blood drip down my leg. I look at my feet and realise I don't have shoes on "what?"

I laugh nervously and sit on a large rock "Lucky!" I take my arm out the sleeve of my jumper and hold it towards Lucky "get it!"

I move it around fast and he bites it "good boy." He pulls so hard that it starts coming apart "drop."

He drops and I manage to tear the rest of and wrap it around my leg "let's go."

I stand up and walk back towards the house.

When I get home I see my car parked up outside "shit!"

I go into my neighbours back garden and sneak through the back fences with Lucky.

Once I get to my back door I look through the window and see Nick on the phone "wonder where Ryan is."

I shake my head and scoff "Ryland even." I look over and see Ryland walk out my bedroom "she left her phone here!" He shows my phone and I see Nick move "this isn't good."

He moves and I see Natalie sitting on the sofa "I'm sure she just took Lucky out for a walk? Where would he be otherwise?"

Ryland shakes his head and kicks my shoes "without her shoes?" Natalie shakes her head and stands up "I don't know!"

She looks so fierce as she looks at Ryland with such anger "you was the one who lied to her!" His face drops and he looked really worried "I just didn't want to scare her."

He takes a deep breath and looks at Nick "go around the block and see if you can see her?" Nick nods and grabs his car keys.

"I will go to that park she usually goes with Lucky, where is it again?" She looks at Natalie and she points at the door "take a left and walk about half a mile up the street and you will see it."

He nods and grabs his jacket "call me if yous get her?" Natalie nods and Ryland leaves with Nick.

I wait a few minutes before heading inside "shh!" Natalie jumps and looks at me smiling "where have you been?"

I walk towards the window and see Nick's car gone "I took Lucky out."

She looks at Lucky as he runs towards her "I told them that but they thought you was kidnapped?" I roll my eyes and lock the door "how dramatic."

I grab my phone from the side table and head towards the first aid box.

Natalie looks at my leg and scoffs "what happened?" I laugh nervously and shrug "I didn't realise I left without my shoes."

She takes the bandage and cleans my leg before wrapping it around it "it has been a crazy night." I nod agreeing and smile "it sure has."

I look around and shake my head "where is David?" She takes a deep breath and shrugs as she walks towards the sofa "I sent him home."

I smile softly and look towards my room "want to sleep in with me tonight?" She smiles and nods "sounds perfect."

She walks towards my room and I nod agreeing "I will just turn off all the lights." She nods and looks at Meow and Lucky "Meow! Lucky!"

They both jump off the sofa and run into the room with her. I take a deep breath and look out the window once more before turning off all the lights and heading into my room.

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