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Alisha walks towards me smiling "I ordered drinks to replace the ones I smashed with the money from that boy."

I smile and nod agreeing "I still can't believe he gave you a handful of cash."

She shrugs and grabs 2 whiskey glasses and hands me one.

"some people will do anything to keep their names out the press." I down it and raise my eyebrow "press?"

She nods and hands me another "he maybe thought you would go to the papers?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "why would I do that? That would be bad for the club if anything."

Amy walks in and smiles "you are needed?" Alisha nods and walks towards her "I actually meant Belle."

I raise my eyebrow and follow her out the door "me?" I see the hot boy standing there smiling "I wanted to thank you personally for tonight."

I smile and shrug "all part of the service."

He hands me an envelope and smirks "night." I wave as he walks towards the door "goodnight."

I open the envelope when he is out of sight "wow!"

Alisha walks towards me and smirks "what?" I show her the bundle of money "wow!"

I shake my head and walk towards the back door "you can finally do your place up." I smile and open the door "I can't wait."

I walk towards my locker and stick all the money in my bag and pick it up.

I stick my jacket on and look at my phone and see a text from Natalie 'Are you home yet?' I close my locker and walk towards the club 'Just leaving the club now.'

I send the message and wave at Alisha "bye!" She smiles and waves "take tomorrow off and you get that house sorted?"

I nod agreeing and smile "ok." I walk out the door and call down a taxi.

When I get home I stick the money and envelope into my house fund jar and smile at Lucky "guess who can finally get this place done tomorrow?"

He barks and I nod agreeing and stroke his head "can finally get you a larger bed too." I look towards his small bed and laugh nervously "and maybe you can sleep in that and not in my bed."

I pick up his bowl and fill it with dog food "let me get changed and we will go for a walk."

I walk into the bedroom and get changed into an oversized jumper and leggings and head towards the kitchen.

I grab a bottle of water and drink it as he eats the last of the food in his bowl "ready?" He barks and runs around in a circle wagging his tail "let's go then."

I walk towards the door and grab his lead sticking it on him.

We walk around the block and I spot a black tinted window car parked up outside the house when we start walking back.

"can I help you?!" Two men look at me like they saw a ghost and the car drives off.

Lucky starts barking and tries running after it "let's go boy!"

I quickly get my keys and unlock the door before closing and locking it.

I look out the window before double checking they are all locked and close the curtains.

My house phone rings making me jump "hello?"

After a few seconds I hear Natalie take a deep breath "thank god you are ok! I thought you was going to text me when you get home?"

I look towards the door and shake my head "what have you done?" She laughs nervously and I look out the spy hole "what do you mean?"

I look out the empty street and take a deep breath "there was a blacked-out window car outside my house just now? I saw it when I was walking back from walking Lucky."

I walk into my bedroom and make sure the windows are locked "what? Do you want me to come over?"

I shake my head and take a deep breath "they are gone so I should be ok."

She takes a deep breath and I look at my mobile phone "well make sure you lock the doors."

I grab my TV remote and turn the TV on "I did." I stick the CCTV camera's on the screen and watch it back from when I left "they was parked up across the road when I left with Lucky and parked in front of my house when I left."

I look out the window and see a flashing light "what were they doing?" I walk towards the window and look out "they was taking pictures."

I look towards the CCTV and see one of the men walking towards the door so I pause it "I will video call you and let you see."

I click video call on my phone and show her the screen "what does that paper say?"

I pause the video on one of the men holding a piece of paper as he walks towards the door and looks into the window.

"downtown PI?" I shake my head and zoom in "PI? As in Private investigator?"

I scoff and shake my head "you don't think its Todd do you?" I shake my head and look closer "I'm not sure but I will find out."

I flip the screen around and wave at her "I will call you tomorrow and let you know what I find." She nods and smiles "I will do some digging too."

I smile and nod agreeing "you are the best!" She blows me a kiss and smirks "if you want me to come over then just text me, ok?"

I walk into my bedroom and sit on my bed "ok, bye."

I hang up and place the house phone on my bedside drawer before getting into bed.

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