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The next morning I wake up and look at the time "12?" I look around and see Lucky laying at the bottom of my bed still sleeping "no early morning alarm today?"

He looks at me and wags his tail "walk?" He barks and jumps off the bed "let's go then."

I get dressed and stick my hair in a scrunchie before heading out the door with a banana in my hand.

I walk to the park and let Lucky off as we get in far enough "go!"

He runs off and I follow him.

As we walk through the park I spot a man looking lost "are you ok?" He looks over and nods "I've lost my dog!" He looks worried as he continues to search "what kind of dog is it?" He look at Lucky and nods "like that but more brown and smaller."

I smile and nod agreeing "Lucky!" Lucky runs towards me and sits "go find the doggie!"

He wags his tail and runs off "we will help you." He takes a deep breath and smiles with relief as he runs towards me "thank you!"

I smile and we follow Lucky "your welcome."

Lucky runs towards the pond and barks before jumping in "Lucky!"

I run towards him and see him pulling something out "is that your dog?"

I look at the puppy being dragged out the water by lucky "yes!"

He runs towards it as it shakes itself "thank you!" He picks the puppy up and hugs it "are you ok Bear?" The puppy barks and wags its tail "thank god!"

He smiles at me and sticks it's lead on him "maybe I shouldn't have let him off."

I smile at him softly before grabbing a stick and flinging it "glad we found him and he is ok." He smiles and nods "thanks again."

He walks away and I follow Lucky as he chases the stick.

We get back home and I fill up Lucky's food bowl and stick it down "good boy."

I head towards the sofa and sit down grabbing my notebook and pen "ok, ok, ok."

I read through my house décor list and nod agreeing "let's change this."

I start writing stuff down and nod agreeing "done."

I tear the page out the notebook and stick it in my bag "I will get your new bed and new toys." Lucky barks and wags his tail "see you soon boy."

I grab the money in my house fund bank and stick it in my bank and head out the door.

I look at my CCTV camera and connect it to my phone before looking around "where are you?" I take a deep breath and head towards my car and drive into town.

I get to the home store and grab a trolley.

"can I help you?" I look at the lady smiling at me holding a clipboard "no I'm ok." Still smiling at me she nods before walking away "ok."

I get the paper from my bag and look at it "paint."

I walk towards the paint and pick some colours up "white, black, grey and pink." I nod agreeing at the paint and smile "may as well get paint for my front door and fence."

I pick up a tin of wood and door paint and stick them in my trolley and smile "now brushes and rollers."

I pick up 3 packs and stick them in my trolley before heading down the living room section. 

I pick up new furniture and and write down the ones I want that are too heavy for me to lift.

I walk towards the photo section and pick up a few photo frames and books "nothing makes a house like a home than some photos, am I right?"

I smile and nod agreeing "you are right." I turn around and see the boy that was nearly sick last night "Nick, isn't it?" He nods and smiles "Belle, isn't it?" I nod agreeing and smile "that's right."

He laughs nervously and picks up a photo frame and smiles "sorry about last night." I shrug and look away "we all have our stupid drunk moments."

He hands me a card and smiles "tell the checkout boy Logan we are friends and he will give you a discount." I stick the card in my pocket and smile "thanks?"

He keeps walking down towards the home section picking up more photo frames. 

After collecting a few things I walk towards the check out and show the man behind the till a list of things I couldn't fit in my trolley "do you have a van for these for do you want us to deliver them?"

Before I can answer I feel someone touch my shoulder "I will take them for her."

I turn around and see Nick "ok." The man sticks them through the till and nods "I can bring these out for you?" Nick nods and smiles as he wraps his arm around my shoulder "you know where the van is?" The man nods and smiles "of course." Nick winks at him and smiles "perfect. Charge my brothers card." The man nods and Nick leads me out the shop and towards the food stalls.

"Where are we going?" He nods towards a burger place and smiles "only to get the best French fries in the world."

I smile nervously and look back towards the stall "so that man will just scan and take my stuff to your van?" Nick nods and pulls a chair out for me "all part of the service."

I take a deep breath and smile "ok? I insist on paying though!" I sit down and pick up a menu. "Let me? Make up for last night." I smile and shake my head "then let me buy the food?" He nods and picks up a menu "fine."

I look at the menu again before sticking it down "ready to order?" I nod agreeing and smile "yeah."

Nick holds his hand up and a waitress runs over "what can I get you?"

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