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We head outside and I open the car "here." I stick Nick in and he nods "thank you."

I smile softly and nod firmly before getting into the driver side "let's go help Natalie and Lucky."

I drive off towards where we crashed and see the car still there "wow!"

I stop the car and run towards the car driver side. I see Lucky laying on the floor by Natalie's side "hey boy!"

he moves and I open the driver side "Natalie?!" She is conscious but unable to move "there is glass stuck in my leg."

I look at her leg and nod "stay here."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes "like I have a choice?"

I grab the hoodie from the back of the car and hand the sleeve to Lucky "get it!"

He tears into it and I pull the sleeve from the jumper "good boy!"

I take the glass out Natalie's leg and wrap the sleeve around the bleeding "come on, I got you!"

I walk towards the car and see a car speed up "you bitch!" Lewis gets out and walks towards us with a baseball bat.

He stops at the car and opens the driver side "hello." He smirks and hits Nick with the bat "goodbye!"

Nick's blood goes everywhere and he goes unconscious "no!"

I shake my head and stick Natalie back in the car "hold onto him!"

she holds onto Lucky's collar and I walk towards Lewis "stop hurting the people I love!"

He shrugs and smiles "then come with me?" I nod agreeing and take a deep breath "fine!"

I walk towards him but Natalie stands up "no!"

She lets Lucky go and he runs towards Lewis "stupid dog. Let's put you down!"

He swings the bat back ready to attack "no!"

I grab the gun tucked in my jeans and close my eyes as I shoot Lewis.

I open my eyes again and see Lewis laying on the floor with blood on his hands as he covers his chest "you bitch!"

I walk towards him and kick the bat away from him "that is for hurting my friends!"

He scoff's and shakes his head "I dread to think what you will do to me when you find out it was me that killed your parents?"

I shake my head in disbelief "I already know?" He smirks and sits up "what? Well I did think you and Roman was in the car so when I realised yous wasn't I went to the house and tried taking yous out that way."

He scoffs and shakes his head "but yous just wouldn't die!"

I shake my head and aim the gun at him as he attempts to stand up "killing Roman off 2 years ago was easy. All I had to do was send in my sister and he was stupid enough to fall for her charms that got himself shot."

I shake my head and kick his face "shut up!"

He laughs as he wipes the blood from his face "is that all you got?!" I look at Lucky and smile "let's go."

I grab the baseball bat and walk back towards Natalie and help her out the car and towards the car with Nick.

I check Nick's pulse and smile "he's still alive." I stab the tyres of Lewis's car before getting into the passenger side and driving off.

I look at Natalie and smile "have you got your phone?" She nods and hands me her bag "it's in here?" I nod firmly and take a deep breath "call Ryland and tell him too meet us at our house."

She dials his number and I look at Nick and take a deep breath "hold on there, Nick."

I look towards the road and start driving faster.

We pull up to the house and I see Ryland's car already in the driveway as we drive up to the house "what happened?!"

He gets out his car and runs towards the car "Lewis attacked us." He grabs Nick out the car and carries him inside.

I wrap Natalie's arm around me and I head into the house behind Ryland.

He sits Nick on the sofa and I walk towards the kitchen with Natalie "I will get the first aid kit!"

I run towards the first aid box and run back towards her "sorry if this hurts a little?"

I take the sleeve off her leg and start cleaning the cut. She takes a deep breath and looks towards Nick "is he going to be ok?"

I smile softly and take a deep breath "of course he is."

I look towards the sofa and see Ryland on the phone outside "he will wake up any minute."

I smile nervously and nod agreeing "that is you done."

I stick the first aid box back and walk towards Ryland as he paces the driveway "hey?" He nods firmly and smile "great, see you soon."

He hangs up and runs towards me and grabs me into him "are you ok?" I nod and smile softly "I'm ok."

I wrap my arms around him and take a deep breath "who was you on the phone too?" He nods towards Nick and smiles "our doctor."

He kisses my forehead and heads back in "how are you feeling?" She sits across from Nick and shrugs "I'm ok, just worried about him."

He walks towards her and sits down "he will be fine, its Nick we are talking about?" He hugs her and I smile "I will make coffee."

I walk into the kitchen and take a deep breath as Lucky walks towards me "hey boy."

I stroke his head and he sits by my side as I make the coffee and follows me closely as I walk towards the sofa.

I place the coffee down and smile "I'm going to let Lucky out." I walk towards the back door and open it "let's go boy."

I close the door behind us and walk towards the pool "I fear this thing is only going to get worse."

I look at Lucky as he sits beside me "I'm glad you are ok."

He licks my face and I smile softly and stroke his head as he lays down resting it onto my legs.

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