
16 1 0

I wake up as Ryland runs towards the shed kicking the door down.

He looks around and shakes his head "are you ok?" He lifts me up and I nod still holding my stomach "I'm losing a lot of blood."

He looks at it and nods agreeing "let's get you inside."

He hands the key to Roman and he smirks "what happened?" Ryland nods towards the shed and smiles "lock it and make sure no one gets out!"

Roman walks towards the shed smirking "fun is over boys, you're Lucky it was my sister who dealt with yous."

He looks towards the floor and see's the girl "Chelsea?!"

He turns her over as she bleeds out unable to catch her breath "I thought you gave up with that life?" She shakes his head and looks towards Lewis "he didn't tell me it was your sister, I'm sorry."

She dies in his arms and he shakes his head "this is all your fault!"

He stands up and looks at Lewis "she wanted a normal life but YOU brought her back into your business!"

He takes his gun out and smirks "you will NEVER hurt anyone else who I love."

As Ryland gets me inside and onto the sofa he smiles softly and grabs his phone "stay here."

I laugh nervously and shake my head "like I'm going to leave!"

He smiles nervously and walks towards the kitchen as he dials someone.

He walks back and smiles "now let's have a look at this cut."

I hear a bang coming from outside making me jump "what was that?"

I quickly sit up and he shakes his head "you just lay back and let me get this mended?"

I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "ok."

I lay back down and close my eyes as he starts cleaning and stitching my stomach back up.

After a few minutes he nods at it and smiles "done."

I raise my eyebrow and laugh nervously "why do you not look so sure?"

The front door opens and he looks over and sees his doctor "thank god!"

He laughs sarcastically and looks at me "did I do it right?"

The doctor walks towards me and looks at my stomach "yes."

He looks at me and smiles "how are you feeling?"

I shrug and look towards the back door "I'm fine."

I look at Ryland and shake my head "but where is Roman?" He shrugs and walks towards the back door "I will go check on him."

I take a deep breath and stand up "I'm coming!"

The doctor shakes his head and sits me back down "you need to rest or you will burst they stitches."

I lay back down and look at Ryland "go make sure he is ok?" Ryland smiles softly "I will."

He walks out the back yard and I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a few minutes I look at the doctor and shrug.

"so how long will I need to rest for?" He hands me some tablets and smiles softly "a few days."

He nods towards my stomach "that knife got you pretty bad." I look at it and shake my head "I hardly felt it go in."

Ryland walks back in laughing sarcastically "that you telling my doctor about us?" I scoff and shake my head "no!"

I look behind him and see Roman with blood over him "are you ok?"

He walks towards me and hands me a picture of the girl I just shot and him "I don't get it?" He sits down and shrugs leaning back "her name was Chelsea. She was Lewis's sister."

I shake my head and sit down "I'm so sorry Roman." I walk towards him and cuddle him "I didn't know."

He looks at my stomach and nods "she done that?" I nod firmly and smile pulling my t-shirt back down "then I'm glad you killed her."

He looks at me and smiles "I would pick you first, always."

I smile and cuddle into him "but you really should rest." The doctor places the tablets on the table "yes I agree."

He nods towards Ryland "until next time." He waves as he walks towards the door "thanks Steve!"

I grab my jacket and smile "so can we go home now?" Ryland walks towards me and kisses my forehead "we can go home."

I look at Roman and shrug "we have 3 spare rooms if you want to come move in? You can help Uncle Roman and Luca run the gym."

He smiles softly and nods agreeing "that would be perfect."

He grabs my suitcase and bag "I will load the car."

He walks towards the door and I stand up "I got you!"

Ryland walks towards me and places his hand around my bum "hold on!"

He lifts me up like a little baby and I smile "I can walk?"

He shrugs and walks towards the door "we never did get to do this when we got married so better late than never?" I roll my eyes and scoff "we was kids."

He puts me down as he opens the car back door "somethings never change."

He hands me a bunch of roses and I shake my head "you didn't?!" He nods agreeing and points towards the car "Mr Henderson was happy enough to give me some this time though."

I scoff and get into the car "after you paid him I bet?" He shrugs and gets in beside me "I'm just glad you love them."

I smile and look at him "I do."

He kisses me and I smile "I love you." He smirks and wraps his arm around me "I love you too my smell Belle."

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