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I wake up the next morning and look at my phone and see 84 missed calls "guess we should call her back." I yawn and stand up "let's go downstairs."

Lucky runs out the room and downstairs. I open the back door for him and go sit on the chairs that are outside as I ring Natalie.

After 2 rings she answers "where are you?!" I smile and look around "at the new place."

She takes a deep breath and I hear a car door "I'm coming to get you." I smile softly and nod "bring food!"

I hang up and look at Lucky "you hungry?" She barks and I smile "good job I brought dog food."

I walk towards my bag and open it "just not a bowl." I walk outside and place the food on the ground "there you go."

I lay on the grass outside as the sun beams onto my face "this is perfect."

Lucky walks towards me and licks my face "ewww!" I shake my head and wipe my face "dog breath."

He sits beside me and I stroke him as he sit in the sun "so do you approve of the new house?" Lucky barks and I smile "me too."

I lay back and place my arms behind my head soaking in the sun.

Lucky lifts his head up and looks towards the house "what is it boy?" I stand up and walk inside.

"Natalie?" I shake my head and look around "she doesn't know the gate code." I hear a bang from upstairs making me jump "Lucky run!"

I run out the front door but Lucky runs upstairs "no!" I run back into the house and hear the gate buzzer ring.

I look at the CCTV gate and see Nick's car "hello?!" I press the button to let them in before running upstairs after Lucky.

I see the back-room door open "Lucky?"

I walk towards it and see a baby rabbit jumping about "Lucky no!"

Lucky looks at me and runs towards my side "let's get you back outside." I walk towards it and gently pick it up "there you go."

I walk towards the stairs as Natalie and Nick run in "thank god you're ok!"

I smile and walk down the stairs with the rabbit in my hand "you got a rabbit?" I shake my head and walk towards the back door "he must have gotten in when I wasn't looking."

I gently place him out and close the back door. "Yous ok?" Natalie walks towards me and hugs me so tightly "ok cant breath!"

She takes a deep breath and let's go "don't scare me like that!" I laugh nervously and look towards the floor "sorry."

I shrug and look at her "I just couldn't handle seeing Ryland and that girl being all over each other." She smiles softly and wraps her arm around mine "well Nick here punched his face last night when he found your note and made him bleed." I look at Nick and smirk "thank you." He walks towards me and hugs me "I'm just glad you are ok!"

I look towards the door over Nick's shoulder and see Ryland standing at the front door.

He smiles at me looking so relieved "are you ok?" I raise my eyebrow and nod "yes thanks."

He walks towards me and hugs me "I'm so glad you are ok!"

My body instantly falls into his arms like it was so normal "no!" I shake my head and back away "I'm just mad at you!"

He looks at Natalie and shrugs "why?" I roll my eyes and scoff "because you kiss me and we spend this amazing day together then get with another girl in the club later that night?"

He shrugs and smiles "I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea but I don't date?" I smirk and nod "well maybe you should have made that clear?"

I look towards Natalie and smile "we still on for shopping later?" She nods and smiles "of course."

I nod and walk towards the stairs "I'm going to get changed!" I look at Ryland and smirk "make sure you are not here when I come down? I need a few days away from you."

He takes a deep breath and tries to say something but I run upstairs and towards my room before he gets the chance.

I finish getting ready and start placing some of my clothes in the walk-in closet. "Doesn't date?!" I look at Lucky who is lying on the floor watching me "who does he think he is?!"

He barks and I nod "we should get you a new collar while we are in town." I stroke his head and smile "let's go."

I close the doors behind me and head back downstairs "is he gone?" I look at Natalie and Nick Standing by the door "he is in the car." I smile and nod "good."

Nick kisses Natalie and waves at me "bye!" I wave at him and smile "bye Nick!"

He runs out the door and I look at Natalie "so shopping?" She nods and grabs her bag "let's go."

As we drive towards the mall I get an email "our furniture should be here today between 4-6." I look at Natalie as she smiles "well you are off tonight are you not?" I look at my work schedule and nod agreeing "yeah I'm off tonight and we are both off Monday."

She smiles and parks up at the mall "well you can sort some out tonight and we can do the rest tomorrow?" I smile and grab my bag "sounds good. Can't wait to just get settled."

She follows me out the car and towards the mall "me too so we can have movie nights in!" I smile and nod agreeing "loads of cocktails!"

She smirks and shakes her head "beer for me." I roll my eyes and scoff "of course."

After spending the next 2 hours getting stuff for the new house we head towards the car park "oh wait!"

I look at the pet store and smirk "I need to get new stuff for Lucky?" She nods agreeing and looks towards the pet store "I need new stuff for Meow too."

We walk towards the pet store and head inside. As we walk down the dog aisle I spot my vet "oh no!"

I laugh nervously and look away to avoid eye contact "Belle?!"

Natalie smiles at me and shrugs "think he spotted you?" I nod and smile "you think?"

I look over and see him walking towards us "I will go grab meow stuff." I nod nervously and she walks away leaving us alone.

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