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Another hour in I look over at David and Alex as they both start mixing cocktails like a pro "why have we never hired them before?"

I look at Amy and shrug "because Alisha always wanted it to be female bartender only."

Amy scoffs and shakes her head "they look like they know what they are doing."

She nods towards the crowd of girls at them "and they are not too bad on the eye."

I look at the other end of the bar and only see 2 girls and the rest boys "that they are."

I smile at them and nod firmly "so can we keep them?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "keep them? They are not lost puppies. Plus they might not even want to stay? They said they was doing it for free because he wanted the experience and to help so it might be a one off?"

She grabs a beer and shrugs "ask and find out?" She hands the beer to a customer and I smile "we will see."

As the night goes on they get more and more female attention "hey beasty." I look over and see Jason "hey."

He nods towards the twins and smirks "they behaving?" I laugh nervously and nod grabbing him a beer "of course."

I wink at him and smirk "with an uncle like you? How could they not."

Alex walks over and smirks at me "hey!" I look at him and smile "hi."

He grabs a beer from the fridge behind me "sorry." I laugh nervously and move out his way "its ok. I just wanted to get closer to you."

He looks me up and down smirking and sending shivers down my body "wow!"

I laugh nervously and shake my head blushing as he walks away.

I look over at Jason and see him smirking "what?" He shrugs and steps back holding his hands up "are you behaving?"

I roll my eyes and serve the next customer.

Just before midnight I look over and see Natalie and Nick "still need help?" I smirk at her shaking my head "we got it."

I look over towards David and Alex and she raises her eyebrow "two of them?"

I nod agreeing and smile "they have been helping all night." Nick hands me his card and smiles "bottle of champagne?"

I nod and take his card and grab him a bottle "we will be in VIP with Ryland if you need us?"

I look over towards VIP and see Ryland "I didn't know he came in."

Natalie raises her eyebrow and smirks "really?" I nod firmly and smile "yeah, why?" She laughs nervously and shrugs "no reason."

They walk towards the VIP area and I spot Ryland kissing a girl "that boy is unbelievable."

I walk towards the back and grab more beers for the fridge "hey!"

I turn around and see Alex "need some help?" I shrug and smile "sure."

I hand him some beers and I grab some more and he follows me out the club and towards the fridge

. We start placing the beers in and I smile softly "so you want bartender experience?"

Alex nods agreeing and smile "I like trying new things and don't have bartender on my list of things yet so when my Uncle Jason called and asked for favour we wanted to help."

He nods towards David as I close the fridge "plus David said you was cool." I smirk and look at David "he's sweet."

I look at Alex and he smirks shaking his head "are you into David?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "he already slept with my best friend and I don't fancy sharing boys."

He smirks and moves closer to me running his hand down my arm "that's good because we don't like sharing girls."

I laugh nervously and he winks at me before walking back towards David.

I take a deep breath and look at him smirking "hello? Some service when you are done flirting?" I look over and see Ryland raising his eyebrow in anger at me.

I laugh nervously and walk towards him "what can I get you?"

A girl walks towards him and he wraps his arm around her "get us more shot bottles?" I nod nervously and smile "coming up."

I grab some shot glasses and a shot bottle "here you go."

I place them on a tray and Ryland smirks sarcastically as he walks away without saying another word "you are welcome!"

The girl smiles nervously at me before running after Ryland back towards the VIP area.

I shake my head and serve more customers.

I look over at David and Alex and see a crowd of girls around them still "hey!"

I look over and see Natalie "hi." I smile at her and walk towards her "you ok?"

I nod agreeing and smile "yeah, why?" She shrugs and looks towards the VIP area "because I know you like Ryland so it must be hard seeing him here with a different girl pretty much every night?"

I look over towards him and shrug "he told me he doesn't date."

I take a deep breath and smile softly "I guess me getting closer to him is just me torturing and hurting myself."

She holds my hand and smiles "you are allowed to fall in love, even if that person doesn't love you back?"

I laugh nervously and squeeze her hand "love?" I shake my head and grab 2 whiskey glasses and pour whiskey into them "he doesn't deserve my love!"

I hand her the other glass and cheers it before doing mine in one.

She downs her whiskey and hands me the glass back "yet you keep giving him it." She shrugs and I close my eyes taking a deep breath "I know."

She blows me a kiss and smiles "I got you, always."

I blow her a kiss back and smile at her as she walks back towards VIP.

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