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Once the car stops I look around and shake my head "Natalie?" I look over at her and see her unconscious "Natalie!"

I take my belt off and shake her but she doesn't move "oh god!"

I look in the back and see Lucky waking up "hey boy!" I stroke his head and he crawls towards me "its ok."

He growls at the front window and I shake my head "we need to get out of here."

I hear footsteps approach the car and the passenger door opens "get her out!" I feel an arm grab me "no!"

I look at Natalie still unconscious "Natalie!" Lucky jumps into the passenger side as the man sticks me into the van "Lucky run!"

He sits in the back with me and closes the van door "go!"

The van drives off with me in the back.

Once the van stops the back door opens and I see Lewis "hello beautiful."

The man drags me out and I see Alisha standing behind him looking towards the floor "Alisha?!"

Still not making eye contact I shake my head at Lewis "what did you do to her?!" He scoffs and shakes his head "me?!"

He smirks and walks towards her "who do you think told us where you was?" I look at Alisha disappointed "what?"

Lewis smirks and walks towards me "don't take it personal baby doll." He smirks and takes my phone from my pocket and flings it "we did take her sister after all."

He nods towards the man behind her "let her go."

He nods agreeing and smiles "as for you? You can be bait for the bigger fish I want to catch, now let's go!" 

He flings me into the back of the van and closes the door "let's go!"

The van speeds off and I hang onto the bar.

After twenty minutes the van stops and the van door opens "get her out."

The man grabs my arm and drags me out the back of the van "ouch!" I shake my head and pull my arm away "your hurting me!"

He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm even tighter "better?" I roll my eyes and follow him.

I look up and see an old looking building "where are we?" Lewis shakes his head and smirks "less talking and more walking."

We head into the building site and he opens a room door "in there!"

I walk in and see Nick tied to a wooden chair unconscious and badly injured "Nick?!"

I shake my head and try run towards him but Lewis pulls my back "not so fast!"

He grabs another wooden chair and handcuffs me too it "this is going to be fun."

He wraps a scarf around my mouth and smirks "now don't try escape." He shrugs and looks towards the man standing at the door "or he will shoot you."

He smiles at kisses me cheek "now let's wait for lover boy so turn up shall we?"

After a few minutes Nick moves and I shake myhead and try scream for him but the scarf it too tight. I move the chairtowards him and shake my head fast enough that I manage to get the scarf downmy face "Nick?" I look at him as he moves his fingers "can you hear me?"

He moves his head and opens his eyes "Belle?" I nod agreeing and look at the manat the door facing the other way "are you ok?"

He looks around confused "how are you here?"

I shake my head and look at him "Alisha traded me in for her sister."

Nick shakes his head in disbelief "what?" I smile softly and shrug"she had a difficult decision to make."

Nick scoffs and shakes his head "I can'tbelieve she would just hand you over like that though?" I take a deep breathand nod firmly "you would do stupid and crazy things for the people you love."

I look towards the man at the door and smirk "I'm getting us out of here." He shakes his head and scoffs "how?" I wink at him and smile "by doing this."

I slam my chair onto the ground and the chair breaks "hey!"

I look up and see the man at the door looking at me "what are you doing?" I grab a bit of wood and run towards him.

I dig it into his chest before he gets the chance to grab his gun.
He screams in pain and tries grabbing his gun "not so fast!"

I grab it from him and point it at him "keys!" He takes the wood from his chest and grabs his keys and flings them at me "here."

He holds his hands up and I smile "good." I walk towards Nick and untie him "we need to check on Natalie."

He struggles to get up so I wrap his arm around me "I got you."

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