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We both sit on my bed and Natalie laughs nervously "so?" I smile and shake my head "I don't even know."

I look towards the window as a car pulls up "do you think that is Nick?" I nod agreeing and smile "probably."

We stay silent for a few minutes and I look at my phone "I will check."

I look at the CCTV and see the black car pull up outside "nope!"

I grab her and pull her onto the floor with me "not Nick."

We look at my phone and see a gun point out the car window and towards the house "shit!"

I grab Lucky and she grabs Meow and we dive towards the floor pinning them down.

The next few minutes we hear nothing but gunshots. It was like something from a movie and I didn't think it would ever end but after what seemed like hours it stops and I hold Natalie's hand "are you ok?"

She nods and squeezes my hand "my ears are ringing but I'm good."

I smile and nod agreeing "me too."

We hear the front door get kicked in and we both jump up "shit!"

I grab the baseball bat from under my pillow and hold it close to me ready to attack.

We watch the bedroom door waiting for it to open "Natalie?!"

The bedroom door opens and Nick runs inside "Belle?" I smile and drop the bat "Nick!"

I run towards him and hug him so tightly "it's ok." I cry like a little baby into his chest. "Are yous ok?" I nod agreeing still crying into him. "Natalie?!" I hear Ryland and some part of my felt safe instantly.

Nick waves at the door and smiles "in here!"

Ryland runs in and I let go of Nick and instantly grab him "what happened?" Scared to look at the walls and floor I shake my head "that car came back and shot at us."

He looks at the walls and nods "they done that?" I wipe my tears and look over "yes."

I look at the broken wall, furniture and glass bits lying on the floor and my bed. "Are yous ok?" I nod agreeing and look at Lucky checking him over "we are ok."

He nods and hugs me again "I'm so sorry!"

I shake my head and squeeze him softly "I wish you would have just told me the truth"

He shrugs and smiles nervously "I didn't want to scare you off or want you to hate me?" I look into his eyes and I felt so at home with them "I could never hate you."

He smirks and kisses my forehead. Natalie laughs sarcastically "yeah that's nice and all that you two are ok but now what are we going to do?!"

I look around and nod agreeing "we will need to get a hotel for tonight and look for apartments tomorrow?"

I go into my drawer and pull out a handful of cash "there is enough here for a deposit and things for a place?"

She nods and smiles "I have about the same amount, fresh start for us both sounds good."

I look around the room and laugh nervously "I think it was my bedroom that got the most so we can take most of the furniture with us."

Nick shakes his head and laughs nervously "I wouldn't do that."

I raise my eyebrows and look at him "why?" He shrugs and looks around my stuff. "I think they planted a bug in here and that is how they know that you was in here at the right time?"  Ryland nods and hugs me "Nick is right."

He looks around the house "sell everything and we will take yous shopping tomorrow?" I look at Natalie and she nods "sure."

Ryland holds my hand and smiles "as for tonight? Yous can come stay at our place." He hands me a small suitcase and smiles "pack the essentials for the next few days and we will come by tomorrow and get the rest of your clothes?"

I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

Natalie nods and grabs Meow "I will go pack."

She walks towards her room and Nick smiles "I will go help."

They both walk out the room leaving me and Ryland alone.

He sits on what is left of my bed and grabs my photo frame on my bedside "do I really need to bin all this stuff?"

I look around my room and he shrugs "I can make a call and see if my wizard tech guy can scan them for any bugs?" I smile and nod agreeing "that would be great."

He looks at the photo and smiles "who is this?" I look at the smashed photo frame and smile softly "that was my brother Roman."

I open the photo frame and take the photo out "he was on a date with a family friends daughter and the bar they went too was attacked and he was killed."

I place the photo in my suitcase and pack the rest of my stuff.

After I grab some clothes and essentials I nod agreeing and stand up "done."

Ryland smile and takes my bags "let's go."

I grab my suitcase and follow him outside.

As I walk through the house I look around my living room as it stays intact "so it was only my room?" Nick and Natalie walk out her bedroom and she nods "my room is ok too."

I look into the bathroom and smile "so my room and the bathroom?"

I look inside the smashed-up bathroom and walk towards my toothbrush "I will need a new one of these."

I scoff and fling it onto the floor "let's go."

I head outside with Natalie. Ryland looks at me as he opens my car boot "we will take your car and Nick can take mine?" I nod agreeing and smile "ok."

He sticks my things in the boot and I look at lucky and smile "let's go boy."

I wave at Natalie and smile "are you going to be ok with him?" She smirks and squeezes me "of course." She waves as she walks towards Nick's car.

Ryland holds his hand out and smiles "what?" He nods at my keys in my hand "let me drive?"

I nod agreeing and hand him the keys without saying another word and get into the passenger side. He starts the car and we drive off.

I look back at Lucky and stroke his head "good boy!"

He licks my hand and I smile before turning back around.

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