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Roman rolls his eyes and drives the other way "where are you going?"

He scoffs and shrugs "I'm going to make sure your friend doesn't get close enough to the lake house."

He hands me a notebook and pen "write down her car and what she looks like and I will get the town to look out for her and her car."

I laugh sarcastically and shake my head writing down her car make and colour.

"Why would the town look out for her?" Roman smiles softly and nods "because your parents done so much for this town."

He hands me a photobook from his glove box and nod "the town was nothing before your parents moved here and bought the lake house. They turned it into the town it is today."

I flip through the photos of the abandoned town with half knocked down buildings "it looks like a complete different place."

He nods and smiles "your mum opened the new hospital here when your parents knew it needed money and a whole new safer building because she wanted a clean and safe place for other women to have their children and people to be looked after."

I shake my head and place the photo album back "I didn't know any of this."

He shrugs and sticks the album back "your parents made sure yous didn't know anything they done for work because it was very dangerous and they wanted to keep yous safe."

I laugh nervously and shake my head "so why is it now that people are after us?" He shrugs and looks at his phone when it rings "because you are finally taking over your parents business so it means Lewis and his bulldogs are losing out in millions."

He holds his finger up as he answers the phone "ok."
He nods and looks at me "we will be there in 10."

He hangs up and smirks "your friend is outside the coffee hut."

I smile and shake my head "of course she is."

He drives off towards town and I lean back looking out the window for her.

We pull up outside the coffee hut and I see Natalie behind 2 cars blocked in.

"Belle?" I run towards her and cuddle her "are you ok?" I nod agreeing and smile "I'm fine."

She looks at Roman as he follows me out the car "who is this?!"

She looks him up and down "this is my uncle Roman."

Her face changes and she blushes "oh right, sorry."

She looks at me and shakes her head "what happened?"

She looks at me wet clothes "the house got attacked again but luckily Roman managed to get us out."

She looks around shaking her head "where is Lucky?" I point towards the car and laugh nervously "Roman darted him but he should be awake soon."

She takes a deep breath and nods "do you want to go home?" I smile softly and nod agreeing "I would love too!"

Roman walks towards his car and lifts Lucky out "I'm coming back with yous. I have business to discuss with Luca."

I nod firmly and open Natalie's back door as he places Lucky down.

"I will follow yous." I nod agreeing and get into Natalie's car.

She shakes her head and goes into her boot "go get changed first?" I laugh nervously and take the clothes from her "good idea."

I walk inside the coffee hut and straight to the toilets.

I walk back out and see Lucky awake "hey boy!"

He wags his tail and runs towards me "did that nasty man shoot you?" Lucky growls at Roman and I smirk "let's get you home."

He jumps into the back seat and Natalie places a few treats down for him. "Meow will be happy to get his nap partner back."

I get into the passenger side and wave at Roman "keep up!" I smirk at Natalie and she speeds off.

I look back and see Roman following closely behind "he's fast."

I smirk and nod "he is a lot of things and I think I'm going to learn about them and about my parents the next few days."

I take a deep breath and look out the window as I start filling Natalie in the whole drive back.

We get into town and Natalie shakes her head "where am I going?"

I look at Roman behind me and shrug "he should know the way to Luca's so we can just head home?" She nods agreeing and drives towards our house and Roman drives towards my parents old place.

I look as his car drives away and I nod agreeing "he is gone."

I look at Natalie and she smirks at me "good."

She nods firmly and smiles at her phone "Alisha has been asking and texting me about you."

I nod firmly and smile "I did just leave for a few days after her finding out that I own the club she has been running for the last 6 years?" She shrugs and smiles "true."

She hands me her phone and smirks "you should call her?" I nod agreeing and click on her name "I will text her for now and call her once we get home."

I send the message and stick her phone down "now you can tell me what happened?" I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "where do I even start?"

I tell her about the men turning up and then Roman turning up and saving me.

She shakes her head in disbelief "I'm just glad you are ok now."

She smiles softly and looks at me "me too."

She looks back towards the road and instantly stops the car "wow!"

I see two vans pull up in front of the car leaving us on a crossroad "what's going on?"

I look around and shake my head "I'm not sure?"

I look at Natalie and see a van speeding down the crossroad "go!"

She looks over and spots the van but it hits us making us tumble down the road before she can get the chance to drive off.

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