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My phone dings and I read the text from Ryan "so when are we having this dinner date?' I smirk and blush "who is texting you?" Natalie walks towards me and I shake my head and hide my phone "no one." I stick my phone in my locker and lock it "let's go!" I wrap my arm around hers and walk out.

"Good afternoon girls!" I look over and see Jason "early aren't we?" I look at my clock and smile "it's 3.55?" He shrugs and looks at his watch "your watch is slow beasty."

He smirks and nods at his watch holding it up "it's 4?" I nod agreeing and laugh nervously "I will need to fix that."

I grab him a beer and smile "here you go." He hands me his card and nods "and just keep them coming."

The place starts getting busy around 10 and I look around "why is it so busy? It's Thursday?" Alisha nods and smiles "it's the holidays so everyone that are away studying are home?" I nod agreeing and smile "oh yeah." I laugh nervously as I pull a beer and hand it to the man waiting.

The place gets busier and busier than I didn't notice Ryan walk in until he walks towards me smirking.

"No VIP tonight?" I shake my head and smile "Chloe is back so I'm behind the bar."

He shrugs and smiles "shame."

He hands me money and nods "double vodka?" I nod agreeing and grab him one "and get yourself one?" I shake my head and hand him his glass "I'm driving tonight so I will pass."

He shrugs and smiles "since you didn't text me back and left me on read a drink with me is the least you can do?" I nod agreeing and smile "fine but only one and it's a single."

I grab a glass and pour myself a single vodka "cheers!"

He winks and we cheers our glasses and down the vodka.

That night a lot of groups come in and every so often a group order shots and buy me one.

After turning down a few Alisha notices and walks towards me "you ok?" She rubs my stomach and scoffs "your pregnant?" I shake my head and laugh nervously "what?!" I smile and serve the next customer "I'm driving."

She rolls her eyes and hands me a $30 note "get a taxi!" I roll my eyes and stick it in my pocket "shots for you means more money for us."

She looks at my tip jar and shrugs "please means more tips usually?" I look inside my pocket and nods "it is looking empty."

She shrugs and walks backwards "see?" I nod agreeing and smile "fine!"

I serve the next group and they order shots and hand me one "cheers!"

I look over and see a boy in the same polo shirt Ryan was wearing the first night I met him and I smile at him.

"What can I get you?" He smirks at me and nods "4 vodka shots." I nod agreeing and grab 4 shot glasses and pour 4 vodkas "thank you."

He takes two and downs them before walking away "wait!" He turns around and I shake my head "you still have 2 left?" He shakes his head and winks "those are for you."

He smirks at me again before walking away "ok?"

I shake my head and down the shots before serving the other customers.

I look at the time just after 3AM and shake my head "get it together!"

My vision goes a little blurry and I nod agreeing "no more shots!"

Natalie walks towards me and smiles "are you ok?" I nod agreeing and she scoffs "guess we are getting a taxi back tonight?" I nod agreeing and smile "yeah, sorry!"

She shakes her head and hands me a bottle of water "don't be."

She smiles and rubs my back "why don't you go back and have a coffee?" I nod agreeing and smile "that sounds good."

I walk towards the back door and sit down in the back room sipping on my water. "Hello?" I look up and see the boy wearing the polo shirt walks in smiling "I was looking for you?" I shake my head and smile "you shouldn't be back here?"

I stand up and he gets close to me "I'm a bad boy."

He tries to kiss me but I laugh nervously and step back.

"What do you think you are doing?" He smiles and move towards me "oh come on? I saw the way you smiled at me."

I raise my eyebrow and move back again "not like that? I was being friendly." He moves towards me again and kisses me but I back away and slap him "you bitch!"

He punches my face as Natalie walks in "get off her!"

She runs towards him and punches him off me "are you ok?"

I nod agreeing and catch my balance "I'm ok." I look at the boy and see him come at Natalie "look out!"

I stand in front of her blocking him from getting her and he hits the side of my head and that is all I remember before hitting the ground and going unconscious.

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