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I shake my head and walk towards the bar "sorry!" I bang into someone and look up still smirking "what's funny?"

I see Ryan grinning at me "your new girlfriend telling her friends about you and her going to be official tomorrow." I look towards the girls bathroom and shrug as they walk out "she is a real keeper." I wink at him before heading back towards the bar.

I watch him walk towards her and they talk for a few seconds before she storms off with her friends and they leave.

I raise my eyebrow and shake my head "what?" I look at Alisha and smile "Ryan actually turned down a girl."

She looks around and shakes her head "who is Ryan?" I feel my phone vibrate and I smile "Ryan." I nod towards him before walking off towards the back door.

I read the message from Natalie telling me she got home safe before walking back towards the bar and serving a customer.

After my shift I head outside and get a taxi home.

The way home I decide to text Ryan 'sorry if I put my nose in where is doesn't belong? I just want the best for you.' I send the text as we pull up outside.

I open the front door and see Lucky and Meow sleeping on the sofa beside each other "cute."

I walk towards the fridge and grab a bottle of water when I hear a bang"Belle?" I smile and walk out the kitchen "why are you awake?"

Natalie walks out and smirks "I heard the front door and honestly I thought David made a run for it." I laugh nervously and shake my head "is he still here?" Her bedroom door opens and David walks out wearing nothing but a blanket rubbing his eyes "what time is it?"

I look at the clock and smile 4.30AM." I sit on the sofa and stroke Lucky's head "sorry for waking yous."

David shrugs and heads back into the room "I should get clothes on." I laugh nervously and shake my head.

Natalie walks towards me and smirks "you need to see this."

She turns the TV on and plays the CCTV from when they got home "watch this."

I look at the screen as they get out a taxi and walk towards the steps. David falls up the stairs and after a few seconds Natalie stops laughing and helps him up.

I look at his head and smile "is that blood?" She grins still watching the TV "he fell and burst his head open."

I smile and shake my head "did you find the First aid box ok?" She smirks and stands up "not the only thing I found."

She winks at me as she walks towards the bathroom "I should shower."

My face goes shocked and I shake my head "did you use my handcuffs?" She smirks and nods closing the bathroom door "maybe."

I look back at the CCTV and turn it back to live and notice a car pull up and park across the road "what?" I shake my head in disbelief "no way."

I walk towards the window and see the black car is back "hey!" I jump and turn around "are you ok?"

David walks towards me and I nod agreeing "I'm good." I grab my water and smile "I should let him out."

I walk towards the backdoor and unlock it "come on Lucky!"

Lucky runs towards me and goes into the back yard.

I look towards the car as it just sits there across the street but stop and look over when I hear the doorbell ring "I got it!" My face drops and I shake my head "no!"

He opens the door and before I could get there I see someone punch David and he falls to the ground with blood running down his face.

I quickly look around and grab something "are you ok?" David gets up and nods "I'm ok."

He walks away and I look on the other side of the door and see Ryan "what the hell?!"

He stumbles in the stair nearly falling down them "wow!"

I grab him and he falls forward onto me and I fall towards the floor.

He places his hand behind my head before I hit the ground and smiles "I got you."

I roll my eyes as I can smell the whiskey from him "why did you punch him?!" I push him off me and stand-up.

"I don't like the idea of him coming home with you?" I scoff and shake my head "what?" He shrugs and looks at David who is in the kitchen cleaning his bloody nose.

"He didn't come home with me?" Ryan rolls his eyes and walks towards the door "so what? Did he just come over to see your dog and cat?" He shakes his head and looks at Meow "I didn't know you had a cat?" Nick walks in and smiles "what have I missed?"

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