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I open the door and see Alisha passed out on the sofa holding the empty bottle of whiskey. I walk towards her and smile "ok come on sleepy head."

I wrap her arm around me and lead her out. I walk out the club locking the door behind me still holding Alisha up "let's get a taxi."

I walk towards the road and smile "there's one!" I wave the taxi down and as it stops I go to open the door "I'm going to be sick!" Alisha quickly moves and throws up on the side off the sidewalk "sorry but I can't take her!" The taxi drive drives away "wait!"

I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "looks like we are walking." I stick her hair up and wipe her mouth "let's get you to bed."

I walk a few feet down the street when I hear someone in their car beep at us. They slow down before eventually stopping beside us "are you girls needing a ride?" I shake my head without making eye contact "we are good thank you."

I keep walking but they follow us slowly driving down the street "are you sure?" I nod agreeing and wave "I am sure."

I hear a car door open so I go into my jacket pocket and grab my pepper spray. I feel someone so close behind me that I can hear them breath down my neck "are you sure?" I quickly turn around and spray my pepper spray before quickly running down the street still holding on Alisha.

I look around and see the car speeding down the street "let's go in here!" I open a building door and quickly turn around.

"can I help you?" I look at the bouncer standing in front of us "I'm sorry, we was just leaving."

I shake my head and turn back around and open the door "Alisha?!" Alisha looks up and laughs "William?" A man in a smart suit walks towards us and smiles.

"what are you doing here?" Alisha shrugs and looks at me "what are we doing here?" I look around the casino and laugh nervously "I needed too pee?"

The man looks at the bouncer and nods "its ok, they can come in." The bouncer looks at me and smiles "toilets are at the back left beside the pool tables." I nod agreeing and smile nervously "ok, thanks!"

I look at Alisha and nod agreeing "you going to be ok?" She nods and waves "of course!"

The man grabs his phone and smiles "I will get one of my guys to take her home." I smile and nod agreeing "ok, thank you."

The bouncer raises his eyebrow and I laugh nervously and nod agreeing "toilets." I speed walk away and stop when I'm out of sight.

I look around and spot the pool tables "there you are."

I walk towards them and enter the toilets "I'm telling you he is the most wanted boy in town with all the girls."

I smile nervously at the two girls talking "you!" I stop and look at them "me?" One of the girls nod agreeing and smile "you are the girl from the club?" I smile nervously and nod agreeing "yeah, that's me." She looks me up and down and smirks "are you and Ryland close then?" I raise my eyebrow and smile nervously "who?"

Her friend scoffs and shakes her head "of course she isn't." She takes her hand and walks out the bathroom laughing "ok?" I shake my head and look into the mirror and fix myself. I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "one drink then bed."

I walk out the bathroom and towards the bar "double vodka and OJ please." The bartender nods and begins making my drink.

I feel someone tap my back "you have had enough." I smirk and turn around "oh sorry!" I laugh nervously as the boy from the club stands in front of me "you owe me a shot."

I smirk and look at the bartender "and 2 shots?" He nods and grabs two shot glasses and walks towards us pouring them "I was joking?" I shrug and pick up one of them and hand him it "they are poured now."

He smiles and I pick up mind "cheers." I nod agreeing and cheers his glass "cheers!"

I down my shot and pick up my vodka and OJ "I should go." He walks beside me and smiles.

"do I not even get a name so I know who to tip for the drinks?" I raise my eyebrow and smirk "you can leave the tip with Alisha and she can add it to her damage collection."

I drink the vodka and OJ in one and nod agreeing "goodnight." I stick the glass back and smile as I walk past him and towards the door.

I walk towards the door and see the bouncer walk towards me "your friend got home ok." I smile and nod agreeing "thank you." He opens the door for me and waves "you have a safe journey home." I nod agreeing and walk out "thank you."

I walk into the street and call down a taxi "where too?" I look out the window as the taxi drives away and see the hot boy running out the casino looking around. I smile and lean back "home."

I open my front door and get greeted by my dog "hey Lucky." I stroke him and he rolls over "you want a belly rub?" I rub his belly and smile at the clock at it strikes 6AM "let's take you out." I grab his lead and walk towards the door opening it.

I walk around the block as he does the toilet "can we go bed now?" He barks and I laugh nervously looking around "shhh!" I shake my head and let him off his lead "race you!"

I run towards the house and he runs past me and waits at the steps "you won, again."

I stroke him before opening the door "let's go get some sleep."

I close and lock the door before me and head into the kitchen placing my keys and tips in my fake fruit bowl

"bed?" Lucky chases his tail before racing towards my bedroom "take that as a yes."

I follow him towards the bedroom and close the door behind me.

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