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I head back into VIP area and can picture Marc's face as he smirks at me telling me to stay away from Ryland and Nick or he will kill me.

I replay it over and over in my head a few times that I smash a shot glass in my hand "wow!"

Natalie runs towards me and smiles "are you ok?" She cleans it up and I nod firmly "2 bottles of vodka when you are ready?" She nods at my hand smiling as she hands me a wet clothe and bandage roll.

"Maybe clean your hand unless they wanted blood as a mixer?" I look towards my hand and laugh nervously "thank you."

I clean my hand and stick the bandage around it before heading back towards VIP with the bottles.

I walk towards the back and see the boy that touched me earlier passed out in a booth.

I shake him and hand him a bottle of water "come on big boy, let's get you home."

He sits up and smirks "hey beautiful!" He takes the water and drinks some "are you coming with me?"

He hands me the water back and I roll my eyes and place it on the table "drink more."

I walk away but feel his hands grab my waist from behind and he grabs me onto him "well hello there."

He smirks and winks. I shake my head and get up "please don't touch me?"

I turn around and he grabs my arm "oh come on baby! Don't play hard?" I shake my head and pull my arm away.

"Didn't you say you had a girlfriend?" He shrugs and leans back "so? She is just another slut." As that word left his mouth I could see Marc calling me it and I zone out for a few seconds.

The boy touches me waist again and pulls me into him so I shake my head and grab the bottle of water and hit him over the head with it "I said don't touch me!"

I turn around and see Ryland walking out the VIP area "Ryland?" I look at the boy and shake my head "Ryland, wait!"

I run after him as he walks out the club. I catch up to him as he gets to his car.

"Ryland?!" He stops and looks at me "what?!" He shrugs and scoffs "that wasn't what it looked like?" He shakes his head and smirks "ok."

He turns around and I step towards him "you really think I am like that?" He looks me up and down and scoffs "I think you got your hands on some power and money and you you are now throwing herself at every man like a slut?"

I scoff and shake my head looking towards the floor "I swear if someone else calls me a slut tonight." I look at him and nod "ok."

I wave at him and smile "and you can tell your grandad he won't need to worry about me staying away from you because you have done a good job making sure I don't all on your own!"

I run back into the club and into the back locking the door behind me.

I run towards my locker and grab my stuff with tears running down my face "Belle?!" I hear the back door open "Natalie?" She walks in and smiles softly "what's wrong?" I run towards her and fall into her arms "I need a few days away. Can you cover for me?" She nod and smiles "of course."

I grab my jacket and bag "I will text you later?" She hugs me and sighs "make sure you do." I head out the staff back door and get into a taxi home.

I look at my phone and write down an address before texting Natalie 'turning this off for a few days but I will call you in a few days. Love B x."

I turn my phone off and stick it in my bag and look out the window as we drive up to the house.

I run inside and grab my suitcase and pack a few clothes. I grab a set of keys from the black box my parents left and look at Lucky smiling "let's go boy!"

I grab Lucky's stuff and head downstairs. I look at Natalie's car parked up "shit!"

I run back inside and order l a taxi from the house phone.

I hang up the phone and shake my head "cleaning stuff!"

I run into the kitchen and grab a bin bag and fill it with cleaning products and food. I smirk and nod at the bag "that will do."

I head back outside and wait at the steps with Lucky "I know I have been very busy the last few weeks but I promise I will make more time for us, ok?" He licks my face and barks "good boy."

I look towards the gate and smile as a taxi pulls up "let's go."

I walk towards the taxi and get inside "where too?" I hand him the address and he nods firmly "get you there as fast as we can." I lean back and stick my belt on "perfect."

I close the gate and place the remote in my bag as we drive off.

We pull up and I grab my suitcase and get out with Lucky "thank you!" I wave as the taxi drives away.

I take a deep breath and look at the lake house "well Lucky this is home for the next few days."

I let him off his lead and he runs towards the water and jumps in "of course you do that"!

I roll my eyes and walk towards the house. I open the door and look at Lucky "come on boy!" I head inside and lock the door behind us.

I smile at the dusty place and take a deep breath "we can start tomorrow." I look at my watch and smile "but let's get some sleep? It's been a long and stressful day."

I head into one of the bedroom and open the window "eww!" Dusty blows into my face making me sneeze "I should maybe wash these first."

I look at Lucky and smirk "let's go see how bad the place is."

I grab all the sheets from the bed and head downstairs. As I stick them in the washing machine I see dusty and bugs in the machine "maybe not."

I walk towards the sink basin and let the water go for a few seconds before filling it with hot water "guess we are doing it the old fashion way."

I stick the bedding stuff in the hot water and smile at Lucky "it's a good thing I brought some stuff with me."

I look under the sink and see all the cleaning products dusty "I dread to even think when these expired."

I empty the black bag and place everything on the kitchen worktop before heading into the cleaning cupboard. I grab the sweeping brush and start cleaning.

After 3 hours of brushing, dusting and scrubbing the place looks better "just how I remember it as a kid."

I smile as I light an old candle "and done."

I walk towards the basing and take the sheets out "I think that will do for the night."

I hang them up to dry and smile at Lucky "guess we are sharing your blanket tonight buddy?" He barks and I grab his blanket from the bag and head towards the sofa. "Now let's see if this fire will work." I turn on the freshly cleaned fire on and it sparks a few times before turning on "now let's hope we don't get burned alive during the night."

I walk towards the sofa and lay down "goodnight." Lucky walks towards me and lays on the floor beside the sofa.

I take a deep breath and look at the fire before closing my eyes and falling asleep straight away.

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