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The drive back is an awkward silence and I pull up outside and look at Nick "so what made you make the comment about my CCTV?" He takes a deep breath and looks out the window "my brother said he saw a dodgy car outside this morning and wanted to make sure you was safe?" I grab my phone and nod agreeing "I don't know who they are but they have been around the house the last few days."

I show him the CCTV from earlier and he looks at angry "I need to go!" He gets out the car and into his van "Nick?!"

He drives off before I can even get out the van "ok?" I shake my head and get Lucky out the car and inside.

I place the bag from the vet in the kitchen closet and my keys in the fake fruit bowl.

"I should call Alisha and tell her I won't be in tonight." I kiss Lucky's head and smile "we can have another night in?" He licks my face and wags his tail "sounds good to me too."

I pick up my phone and text Alisha "done." I walk into the bedroom and look at the broken glass "I should really get someone out to fix that before it gets worse."

I pick up my phone but before I could even search for anything my front doorbell rings "I bet that is Nick coming to say sorry."

I walk towards the door and see a man with a large toolbox "you needing a window fixed?" I raise my eyebrow and scoff "I didn't call for anyone?" He looks at his phone and nods "someone called Ryland did?" I shake my head in confusion and open the door "ok?"

I let him in and point towards the bedroom "in there." He walks into the bedroom and I smile "I'm just going to make a phone call." He nods and smiles "ok."

He walks into the bedroom and I quickly walk into the kitchen and call Natalie.

I get her updated and laugh nervously "so Nick's brothers bouncer called him to come fix your window?" I nod agreeing and look out the kitchen door "is that weird?" She laughs sarcastically "no? I don't know." I take a deep breath and smile "maybe that is who Nick called and told to come by and check on the place?"

I see him walk out and wave "that is it done!" I smile nervously and wave "thank you!"

He walks out the door and I hear Natalie laughing "well that does make sense since he is a bouncer?" I nod agreeing and smile "your right."

I walk into the bedroom at the fixed window "I should go but call me whenever you need me and I will see you tomorrow?" I nod agreeing and smile "see you tomorrow." I

close the curtains and look at the clock "9PM?" I grab pjs and smile "an early night is needed after the last 24 hours I have had." I smile at Lucky and walk towards the front door and lock it "I will fill your bowls up first." I give him fresh water and food "here you go boy." I place the bowls down and grab a bottle of water before heading into bed and get changed and get under the covers.

"Lucky?" He runs in and jumps on the bed "goodnight." I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

I wake up during the night when I hear a drilling noise. I look up and see a large flashlight outside "Lucky?" I look over and realise Lucky isn't on my bed.

I get up and grab a black zipper and check on him as he sleeps in the living room in his new bed.

I walk back into the bedroom and quietly look out the window and see a man holding a gun and a flashlight "shit!"

I run towards my bed and grab my baseball bat and lock the back door "Lucky!" I run into the bathroom and lock the door when Lucky runs in "good boy."

I get into the bath with Lucky and close the shower curtain.

As I sit in the bathtub with Lucky in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. I close my eyes and after what seems like a few seconds I hear someone kick my front door in.

Lucky starts barking and runs towards the door "shhh." I stroke his head and lock my eyes onto the bathroom door.

I hear footsteps run towards the bathroom door and the door comes flying in before I can react I feel Lucky get loose from my hand "no!"

I quickly grab a bottle of shampoo and fling it towards the door "ouch!" I stand up and look over opening my eyes.

I see Nick standing at the door holding a gun "what the hell?!" He holds his head tilt up "what are you doing here?!" With blood running down his face I can't help but laugh "sorry."

I walk towards him and grab toilet paper "here." I hand him some and he wipes the blood away.

"what are you doing here?" I raise my eyebrow and scoff "I live here?" He nods and smiles "I thought you was working?" I shake my head and look at Lucky "I didn't want to leave him after what happened?" The man from outside comes in holding a drill "all done."

I raise my eyebrow and scoff "all done what?" The man nods and smiles at Nick "bye!"

He quickly walks out the door and Nick just stands there looking at the ground laughing nervously.

I walk out the bathroom and towards the front door now lying on the floor "did you really kick my door in?" He shakes his head and smiles "no?" He looks over and nods "he did."

I turn around and see his hot brother walk in "sorry." He hands me cash and shrugs "buy a new one?" I roll my eyes and walk into my bedroom.

"why was that man outside my window?" His brother nods and smirks "he was installing your new CCTV?" I raise my eyebrow and scoff "what?!" He hands me a box and raises his eyebrow "you didn't know?" I look at Nick and shake my head "no, I didn't!"

Nick looks away nervously "I thought you told her?" He shrugs and takes a deep breath "I suggested it and she shot it down!"

I shake my head and look at my old CCTV camera on the table "there was nothing wrong with my old one?" He nods and smiles "it wasn't bulletproof." I scoff and shake my head "and why would I need a bulletproof CCTV camera?" He nods and smiles "you never know what can happen." I roll my eyes and walk towards the sofa and sit down.

I look at Nick and smile "I take it that it was your idea to get that bodyguard Ryland to pay someone to come fix my window?" They both look at each other confused and shake their heads "wait, what?" I scoff and laugh nervously shaking my head nervously "you didn't send someone out to fix the window?" Nick nods and smiles "no we did but..." His brother nods and steps forward "our bouncer Ryland knows all the best people in town."

He shrugs and smiles "your welcome." I nod agreeing and smile "thank you but I could have done it myself?" Nick nods and smiles "I know, I just want to make sure you are ok." I nod agreeing and walk them towards the door "I have been ok since the age of 15. I'm sure I can handle two weirdos."

I look at the door and shake my head "I can't even close the door in your faces!" Nick nods and grabs his phone "I will get someone out for that." He walks down the street on the phone before I could stop him.

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